ACC Event Reminder & Unaccepted Challenges


ACC Event Reminder & Unaccepted Challenges

Just a reminder; tonight (Monday 26 March) at 1159pm, no more battles or challenges will be accepted for the ACC event of the Rite of Supremacy. For the purposes of opening new battles, accepting new challenges and the point thingy's, 26 March 2007, 1159pm will be your cut-off (to include the 72 hour window for accepting/declining challenges).

Unaccepted challenges; Again, using 26 March 2007, 1159pm as the cutoff, create a list of the opponent's you challenged who did not reply (i.e. accept or legally decline). One list from each participant will be all that is accepted - so it wouldn't be wise to miss anyone :) Remember, you will not gain points for these unaccepted challenges. Instead, the Clan of the person who did not accept, or who illegally declined will be docked - their Clan will lose points. In many cases so far, Clans getting docked these points may stifle some pretty close margins - so, it is in your best interest (and your Clan's) to dime these folks out, LOL.

Please - this is important; if you have any questions, feel free to mail the DGM, CM and DCM. Folks who have already sent stuff need to compile and re-send for verification.

Otherwise, send your lists to myself, SBM Brujah Tamalar and DGM Halcyon Rokir - you have 72 hours from the zero hour of 27 March 2007, making the deadline for these lists; 30 March 2007, 0000/12am (all times, DB server).

Thanks for your time.

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