Wiki Update


Wiki Update

As a matter of clarification:

  • Articles are NOT to exceed 32kb in size - after discussion with 2 staff members it has been decided that the limit is not needed. However, we are discussing length issues.
  • Unless otherwise directed, you are NOT to remove tags placed by the Wiki Tribune or any of his staff.

  • Any ruling by the Wiki Tribune is final - it cannot be overriden by anyone except the Grand Master or his Deputy.

  • Arguing with the Tribune can result in a temporary ban from the Wiki

Keep in mind that this is not to take away any fun from your enjoyment of the Wiki - but these have been put in place so as to control ones from going over-board. Some of these may not have been in "writing" so to say but have been around for quite sometime. An example is the size constraint - when you try to make your article larger than 32kb you recieve a warning from the program about the size.

Please adhere to these rulings, along with the already set Guidelines for the Wiki.

As a final note, please do not ask to be added to the Wiki Staff. We are currently full and until a news posting is made will not be accepting any applications.

Thank you

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