Transfer during the IGs


Transfer during the IGs

Hey all,

I should have done this when the IGs first started but I was on leave. So we'll take care of it now. Even though the IGs are not technically a vendetta, because of the nature of IG scoring, all transfers between Clans are to be put on hold effective immediately. Only exceptions in extreme circumstances will be made and then only by directly emailing me. Transfers will resume after the IGs are complete. Thanks

DA Syn Kaek
Master At Arms

You got me, I planned on joining CSP to net some mad pointz.

I knew it! Now how is the unactive-Bias Taldryan going to win now? >=B

Taldryan traditionally doesn't try that hard in the IGs :P

Wow, already making excuses for losing! :P

I'm not in Tal? I'm just looking at previous IGs :P