Herald's Rule of Three


Herald's Rule of Three

Effective immediately, the Herald's Office will be implementing the "Rule of Three". To make it simply, a member can only request a warbanner or custom lightsaber three times within a certain period of time. This is how it breaks down:

GRD/JH: 3 warbanner requests

DJK/EQ1: 3 warbanner requests

EQ2/EQ3: 3 warbanner and custom saber requests

EQ4: 3 warbanner and custom saber requests

Elder: 3 warbanner and custom saber requests

Once a person moves up into the next group, then their ability to request starts all over again. So for example, if an EQ1 requests 3 WBs, then they cannot request another until EQ2. This is to prevent multiple requests being made and so the Staff can spend its time focusing on other projects going on and ensuring that sexy comes back. :-P

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