I now give you The Grand Masters Royal Guard


I now give you The Grand Masters Royal Guard

** Grand Masters Royal Guard Edition **

Ma'ar paced in front of the recruits. Cut from the best cloth that the Brotherhood had to offer, they were a mixture of new faces, some hard from war, some stiff fresh from the Academy. He had Taigikori pull them from those who showed distinct promise, and from Korras' Obelisk trainers. They were a mottled crew, even in their new brightly colored uniforms.

He stopped in front of one of the troopers, noting a smile creasing the corner of his eyes. 

Trooper, why are you smiling?

Sir, I am merely proud to be wearing the uniform, sir.

The Kaleesh sneered beneath his mask. Some of them wouldn't learn. The bright and almost nauseating training uniforms were a throwback to the old days, before the Empire fell. They were supposed to encourage them to earn the more protective and all-around better looking uniforms of the next echelon.

Ma'ar moved with preternatural speed, his hands smoothly wrapping around the recruit's head as he kicked him in the stomach, knocking the trooper out of his own helmet, sending him crashing into the far wall.

_ Be proud after you have done something to be proud of._

** Entrance to the Prestigious Grand Masters Royal Guard **

As you can already figure out, the Grand Masters Royal Guard has been re-opened. Just to enter the Guard, you are required to take the Shadow Academy Exam. Once the exam has been graded you are in the Royal Guard. As a standing rule, I am looking for answers that are not copy - paste. If I see answers that are of this fashion, I will instantly deny the exam, and will let the Headmaster know of the infraction. My only exception to this is if the answer might be a one word answer but then you can always add to the wording of the answer. I will be grading exams on a daily basis so please, do not flood my email or pm`s asking if I will get that done for you. Its rude, and Im well known to make you wait a day or so.

Now the details are listed below. This society is purely based on your activity. The one limitation is you are only allowed to level one time each month and likewise if your activity falls below what is required for that rank on the next month you may also be in jepeordy of losing that rank, there is also points within the Echelons where you are at a safe point and will not drop any further nor can you be kicked out of the system at anytime. As you can see below that this is also based on Clusters of Fire. Custom items will be opened when you receive each rank, what those will be I will announce at a later time. As most will be seeing, the previous rankings of the past Grand Masters Royal Guard, has been reset. So everyone will be required to take the exam for entrance.

** Echelons **

** First Echelon ** - Many enter, but few display the skills to survive the Squall of Training of the Royal Guard.

I = Requirement: Pass the GMRG indoctrination course

II = Requirement: Attain 20 CFs in a month

III = Requirement: Attain 30 CFs in a month

Second Echelon - Having shown some skill and loyalty,these Guardsmen are trusted with more specialized training and may be used as escorts for a Magistrate.

IV = Requirement: Attain 60 CFs in a month

V = Requirement: Attain 90 CFs in a month

VI = Requirement: Attain 120 CFs in a month

Third Echelon - Exceptional abilities separate these Guardsmen from the rest. Their distinction and service is seen with the presence of Praetors or even Dark Councilors.

VII = Requirement: Attain 150 CFs in a month

VIII = Requirement: Attain 180 CFs in a month

IX = Requirement: Attain 210 CFs in a month

Fourth Echelon - Paragons of skill, dedication, and effort is seen in these Guardsmen's every movement. It is these exemplary warriors that are trusted to guard the Dark Lord himself.

X = Requirement: Attain 250 CFs in a month

XI = Requirement: Attain 300 CFs in a month

XII = Requirement: Attain 350 CFs in a month

Congrats goes out to Muz, and the staff he put together to get this rolling and done so fast!

SBL Ma`ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir

The Fist to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and Commander of the Guard

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