Ambitions Closing


Ambitions Closing

Hey all,

Just a reminder that on May 10th, Ambitions will be completed and finished. If you haven't finished off your storyline, now is definitely the time to get it done. Don't rush it, though! A well written and well paced non-completed Run-On will do better than a Run-On that has been completed but is badly written and rushed.

Please allow me at least 1-2 weeks for judging, as I do have a full time job and I have two months worth of Run-Ons to go through. I've already read through bits and pieces of some of them, and I'll tell ya... some of the work I've seen is just fantastic. I encourage everyone to continue writing as spectacularly as they have been.

Any questions? Shoot myself ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) an email.

Anubis Annedu

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