Open Positions in Clan Vizsla


Open Positions in Clan Vizsla

Greetings from my phone on vacation,

This is a simple news post to announce two open positions within Clan Vizsla. First, we are in need of a new Proconsul. Second, is Quaestor of House Wren. I would be thrilled if I could have them filled by the Vendetta but I am also a realist. Therefore I will take applications until a suitable replacement for each position is filled.

Requirements for each position are quite easy. A working knowledge of creating and running competitions. Both for your unit and the clan as a whole. You must be active in participation of competitions, Vizsla leaders are expected to lead by example. Last, you must be willing to write reports and actively review and seek out ways to reward members for their work in the club. There are no rank requirements, I want the best people for the job. So tell me why you are and what you bring to the table.

Send all applications to me by email and I will close each position when I find a qualified applicant. Anyone willing to take the position before the Vendetta needs to have an application in by the 29th of May.

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