Seneschal Report (April-June)


Seneschal Report (April-June)

In which James talks about recent changes to the site, copy/pastes a changelog, answers some questions, and talks about some nifty tool.

Once more, a month (or three) have passed, time flies! Time for another report from your friendly neighborhood Seneschal with the latest ins and outs related to the site.

Forum Changes

As all of you have probably noticed by now, we are rocking a new state-of-the-art forum system, Discourse. Even better, everyone posting news items in a top-level context (DC, DC staff, Indy Unit summits, etc.) can now opt to use Discourse to power the comments on their news item, rather than the built-in comment system if they expect a lot of discussion. If everything worked out correctly, this report should be the first to use this system. Be sure to leave a comment through Discourse :)

Deployed Code Changes

Below is a list of most of the code check-ins done to the site since my last report. This isn't an exhaustive list, and does not contain code changes that have not yet been deployed to the main website. To summarize, here's the TLDR:

  1. Framework upgrades, and fixes related to these upgrades
  2. ACC, and fixes related to the ACC
  3. DJB Calendar
  4. Forum (Discourse) Login Integration
  5. Prestige Changes
  6. Lots of small fixes and tweaks
[James] First test of Discourse Comment Embedding
[James] Update Promotheus to check Trust Level rather than forum registration
[James] Show Timed Out Matches count in ACC judge admin notifications
[Kalen] do not update a Ladder Bracket's round if already set
[James] Add filtering to awards tab
[Dessan] Adding filter for crescents to djb_history
[James] Also save competition co-organizers if the field is left empty
[James] Fix a typo
[James] Allow manual admin to transfer to any unit, not just houses and rogues
[James] Add additional error checking to manual administration
[James] Separate out closed and timed-out battles
[James] Change ACC battle named scopes
[James] Display proper number of pending comps on admin page
[James] Daily sync forum group memberships
[James] Update navbar links to forum
[Kalen] add Word Count to ACC Post Preview
[James] CC HM on some additional mails
[James] Order ACC active battles by last posted date
[James] Add countdowns to news index sidebar
[James] Don't attempt to award 0 CI for 0 posts
[James] Automated CI awarding for ACC battles
[James] Another ACC fix
[James] Allow assigning non-acc staff members as judges
[James] Gah... Empty array -> empty hash.
[James] Quick hotfix for ACC battle creation
[James] Expand M:HM permissions
[James] Add more ownership options to Assets system
[James] Add collapse link to top right of expanded news items as well
[James] Change recc invite selector to allow selecting more than one invitee at a time
[James] Update error logging service address to HTTPS
[James] Fix SA grade button having no styling
[James] Allow specifying 'requester' in bulk awarding; skip award permission checking when bulk awarding
[James] Fix log serialization for models with HABTM relations
[James] Fix ambiguous column in competition admin
[James] Fix ambiguous column in site log interface
[James] Fix dossier search breaking due to rails 4.1
[James] Add yet another theme
[James] Add a new theme
[James] Disable CSRF protection on embed API
[James] Update to reflect changes in select+count chaining in rails4.1, update more gems
[James] monkey-patch cancan, fix asset pipeline missing icon fonts
[James] Replace deprecated render :text calls
[James] Update rails + gems. Warning: expires cookies and tokens
[James] Allow flexible DC approval of competitions based on their type
[James] Fix battleteam active/inactive checkbox not showing up for clan/house summits
[James] Add Hall name to pending battles page
[James] Add Core DC/tribune/SL reports to anonymous news filter; add Reduced news filter
[James] Update General Warfare -> General Gaming in Degree Requirements
[James] ACC: Update wording on hidden final post information message
[James] ACC: Make final posts visible once both are posted
[James] Fix bug where nested attributes (contact methods) on dossier prevented dossiers from being edited
[James] Add Join Date and Time-in to API response
[James] ACC: Improve visibility of final posts when battle has not been judged
[James] Allow filtering out or filtering on resits in SA exam metrics
[James] Fix exam preview for courses not in a department
[James] Fix competition creation
[James] Promotheus fix
[James] Reword append reason to append recommendation
[James] Fix hstore stuff on competitions too
[James] Actually save question options
[James] Also fix missing question options
[James] Fix hstore deprecations in SA questions
[James] Refactor Position Assignment Filtering
[James] Update remaining event types to not throw errors if their target dossier is deleted
[James] Fix ambiguous column in default scopes as well
[James] Fix ambiguous column in database query for course administration
[James] Fix z-index issues with autocomplete on modals
[James] Remove debug statement from competition search code
[James] Remove more traces of deprecated attr_accessible stuff
[James] Fix some regressions
[James] Slight addition to logging stuff
[James] Increase size of ACC judging radio inputs
[James] Fix PvP match reporting (somehow the date field got removed)
[James] Fix news comment creation, part 2
[James] Fix news comment creation
[James] Implement metrics view over SA exams
[James] Fix deleted dossier breaking resignation events. Stupid bots
[James] Fix promotheus reports
[James] Do not consider completed battles timed out if time since last post exceeds time limit
[James] Fix ACC battle search
[James] Fix award event history breaking for deleted dossiers
[James] Fix notification counter
[James] Fix asset precompilation
[James] And two more
[James] Fix some more attr_accessible instances
[James] Remove some deprecated config values; Fix ACC hall show page pagination
[James] Allow selecting any hall when setting up a ladder
[James] Apply BS3 styling to ACC ladder admin
[James] Gem updates
[James] Update confirm: x to data: {confirm: x}
[James] Fix jquery UI, use new update naming convention
[James] Strong param-ify ACC
[James] Strong param-ify CS and manual admin; fix changing competition type
[James] Strong param-ify all controllers except CS and ACC
[James] Conform to new validations regarding attached files
[James] Update Form Generator
[James] Update icon fonts and CSS
[James] Bootswatch + stylesheet updates
[James] Bootstrap update
[James] Redcarpet fixed: Revert "Fix redcarpet 3 breaking the ugly alignment hacks"
[James] Gem updates
[James] Resolve more deprecation warnings
[James] Upgrade to Rails 4.0.5 and resolve deprecation warnings
[James] Implement unit-based ladder seeding
[James] Update requirements for SVLC
[James] Fix competition leaderboards breaking on deleted dossiers
[James] Add ACC Battles check to Promotheus
[James] Add pagination and filtering to Leaderboards
[James] Implement Discourse-style sub-navigation on SA and ACC
[James] Improve SA similarity algorithm
[James] Add filtering to Promotheus Reports and Summit Administration pages
[James] Preferred Weapons -> Weapon Loadout; Make inactive questions stand out less; Fix database config for Vagrant environment
[James] Update SVTC requirements
[James] Sprinkle some light-side flavor over welcome contacts e-mail
[James] Elevate M:HM abilities
[James] Show leaderboard for running VendettaCompetitions too
[James] Refactor AWOL checking queries a bit
[James] Restrict SSO sync stuff to known server IPs
[James] Add sync features to forum SSO
[James] ACC: Pick only from standard venues when choosing Random on directed challenge
[James] Ensure proper partial handling in embedded nav
[James] Embeddable navbar tweaks
[James] Fix ACC link in embeddable navbar
[Kalen] one more "centre" to "center" change
[James] Allow auto-closing subscriptions upon competition start
[James] Add ACC stylesheets to Oberstified
[James] s/centre/center/g in some places (sorry Mairin)
[James] Remove ACC routing constraints
[James] Fix small typo in mail sending code
[James] Remove Wardens list from Kallisto
[Kalen] add logging for managing comments
[Kalen] allow admin to manage comments
[James] Implement GMRG Leaderboard
[James] Better SSO name->username mapping
[James] Slightly tweak SSO hooks
[James] Remove debugging statements
[James] Experiment a bit with forum SSO
[James] Fix CF processing bug
[James] Give dossier assets 5px more breathing room
[James] Fix up some syntactical things in Promotheus output
[James] Send ACC reminder mails to the correct person
[James] Correct an error in the previous commit, also log more
[James] Also allow fixing join assignments of members in the Rogues
[James] Allow sorting various stats index pages
[James] Allow filtering Society Rosters
[James] Remove DJBTor link from navbar
[James] Add Dark Sage Gaming to Promotheus
[James] Allow sorting various statistics pages
[James] Unswap CS height and weight units
[James] Fix wording on DJB history; Cluster filter also filters CoIs
[James] Tweak ACC navbar and welcome message
[James] Temporarily disable ACC routing
[James] Change prestige update triggers to scheduled updates
[James] Additional prestige changes
[James] Implement residual position prestige, step 1
[James] Add instructions to Account Recovery Help page
[James] Implement Account Recovery Help page
[James] Add instructions to join form for people that are already signed up
[James] Deduplicate GMRG promotion e-mails
[James] Optimize meta tags and add Open Graph bits
[James] Give T:R access to ToL tracking; add G+ snippet to head section
[Kalen] do not remind about posting in a battle if it is now complete
[Kalen] randomly choose who goes first in all ACC matches
[Kalen] use jquery_ujs feature in an attempt to lower the number of double/triple-posted comments submitted
[Kalen] remove redundant sass-rails from Gemfile; move Manual Administration link into MAA well
[James] Collapse rationale box by default
[James] Fix battle pagination
[James] And remove the extra tab I left in
[James] Fix a typo in the beta info box styling
[James] Some more bootstrap3 styling
[James] Allow searching ACC Leaderboard
[James] Increase CS close button visibility
[James] Add Age as a CS field
[James] Fix regression introduced in 1293779d1 where judge extensions would be forced to 24h as well
[James] Bootstrap3-ify battle page
[James] Bootstrap3-ify active challenge listing
[James] CC leaders and ACC staff list on battle creation- and judgement mails
[James] Set default time limit for open challenges to 3 days
[James] Properly trigger PVP score recalculation on match approval
[James] Actually change the max label, too
[James] Allow specifying 6 matches per report (up from 5)
[Kalen] permissions fix for ACC
[Kalen] Send email reminder when half of the originally allotted time to post has elapsed
[Kalen] ACC Rankings leaderboard, sortable, with direct link to Challenge other people
[James] Remove direct changing of member's unit through manual administration to ensure DJB history consistency
[James] Update MAA tools for changes in join assignment
[James] Refactor Join Assignment algorithm
[James] Add Ajunta Pall and Karness Muur to Kallisto
[James] Ensure autograded exams have a grader set
[James] Show grader in SA pass/fail e-mails if ambiguous or not the regular grader
[James] Fix bug where calendar detail modal doesn't properly close under Firefox
[James] Show event description when clicked
[James] Fix news widget breaking the news page for logged in rogues
[James] Add calendar widget to homepage (logged in users only for now)
[James] Tweak calendar colors
[James] Fix cakeday calculation
[James] Fix permission issue when updating calendar feed URL
[James] Implement unit specific calendars and calendar filtering
[James] Unclutter subscribed competitions on calendar, separate gaming and other events into different categories
[James] Log assignment rotation fixes
[James] Do not consider intra-unit transfers as candidate assignment rotation fixes
[James] Implement tools to enable 'fixing' new member rotation in a slightly easier way
[James] Implement Event Calendar
[James] Add links to login and password retrieval pages on registration page
[James] Fix recent awards/promotions breaking on deleted dossiers
[James] Add Gaming News category for news items
[James] Don't error out event history on transfers of deleted dossiers
[James] Make categories on news posts mandatory
[James] Collapse stat box on award statistics page by default
[Kalen] Extensions are for 24 hours; Battle post limits and be any number between 4 and 12; Juding rationale no longer required; comments should default to visible after the battle has been judged; judging rubric should be visible to anyone
[Kalen] Make judging rubric results visible to everyone

Seneschal's Nifty Tricks

A while ago, Raken pointed me to a nifty browser extension called Markdown Here. I haven't been able to use it myself, but it allows you to write e-mail, google groups posts, wordpress content, and any other rich text web content in Markdown, and convert it to HTML with the click of a button. Seems like a nice concept, check it out!


So, lots of fixes and additions to the site, and even more to come. As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to either e-mail me or throw in a comment.

James L. Entar
Seneschal of the Brotherhood

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