Character Snapshot (Colonel Marl Gondor)

Character Snapshot for Augur Shook-yu (2019/11/28, Augur Shook-yu vs. Hunter Ahsik Warren)

Augur Shook-yu

Equite 4, Equite tier, Unaffiliated
Male Wookiee, Force Disciple, Techweaver
Height: 2.1 m / 6'11" - Weight: 150.0 kg / 331 lbs
Age: 134 years - Right Handed
Physical Description

A behemoth of a creature, Shook-yu is your typical Wookiee but with a few unique distinguishing features. A light brown coat with black highlights has been overgrown by streaks of gray. Black spreads from the corners of his light blue eyes and bleeds into the white of his brow which makes his light colored Irises really stand out. Gray, almost white fur creates that thick and distinguished look and is significantly lighter than the rest of his coat. His mane is dreaded and clamped at the ends by golden clasps with the exception of a long tuft which is pulled back tight and is kept long so that he can manipulate all of it into a singular braid that extends just below his waist. It is tied off with black leather and a pin, made from the bone of a Terentatek. The fur of his large hands is typically trimmed short which makes them visible, not for the sake of cosmetics, but for increased hand dexterity. Beneath his fur is a rock hard frame and tight musculature that was toned and hardened by the forests of Kashyyyk.

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Loadout: Tribal (Snapshot)
I Can See Clearly Now The Rain Is Gone (General Aspect)

Shook-yu, as a Wookiee, already has keen senses. Coupled with the Force, they've been made sharper than a Ryyk Blade. He is frequently fed information through visions; a trait of his Farsight ability. However, being a Wookiee, he often finds it difficult to interpret said visions to others without the use of his Protocol Droid. Without his Droid, unless one speaks Shyriiwook or can pick up on severely broken Basic, it's likely to get lost in translation.

Mechanically Inclined (General Aspect)

Shook-yu is extremely good with his hands and has adapted to life throughout the Galaxy in useful ways. Especially when one considers his masterful approach to all things mechanical. Adept at fixing Droids, Machinery, and Starships, it was quite easy for him to find work before becoming a Jedi. If you were brave enough to wade through the mounds of parts, machinery and equipment aka: junk, in his personal quarters, you'd most likely find him at its center. Working his fingers to the bone, passing the time by creating life in a raw and metallurgical way or simply engineering a new tool. There is truly no method to his madness. A tinkerer and inventor in his own right, Shook-yu can, at times, become a bit overzealous with his creations and has more than once caused physical harm to the test dummies foolish enough to try an untested idea.

For Honor (Personality Aspect)

Shook-yu grew up in a tribal community. He was very close with his family and revered his ancestors. Despite the Jedi Code demonizing attachments. He remained close with his parents and siblings until they were enslaved by the Empire. He was torn away from them and constantly struggles with their absence. He fights back his thirst for Imperial blood and his hunger for revenge but at times his anger can get the better of him. It can lead to impulsive behavior which can create a temporary hiccup in his focus. Meditation tends to calm his sporadic restlessness but can be impractical during chaotic events or laborious scenarios.

Temper Temper (Personality Aspect)

Notorious for fits of rage, members of the Wookiee species typically find it difficult to control their anger. Really, it's not surprising that Shook-yu would inherit these same difficulties. At times he can be hot headed when things don't go his way, prone to blow up through dialogue (which to many sounds like an angered animal) or through physicality. "Pray that it's not the latter," yet, even in fits of rage he can still manage, more often than not, to ease his troubled mind with the Force. Hopefully for you, it's not too late.

Might Of The Worshyr Warrior (Combat Aspect)

Shook-yu has mastered the simplest form, Shii-Cho and has adapted it to work well with his size and stature. Adopting a one-handed grip, with power and uncanny strength, he is at times able to unleash unblockable barrages which can prove to be overwhelming (to weaker opponents). It lacks grace, that much is certain, his typical parry, counter, or riposte is nothing more than a well placed hammer-blow into the incoming challenger's blade. While unique to the Wookiee, when pitted against a superior duelist, because of his lack of speed, his powerful blows could essentially be evaded.

Did You See That?! (Combat Aspect)

Shook-yu, at an early age, not only learned how to engineer machinery, but he learned how to engineer Illusions. He is known to conjure distractions during battles and in conjunction with his Farsight ability and his uncanny Senses has found ways of gauging the responses for success or failure before even attempting such a sleight. He is also not above using it for the sake of amusement which at times can create anger or even fear depending upon the Illusion. For those reasons, many tend to approach with caution, never knowing what they're going to get.

Skill Feats
Force Feats
Escape Artist Hammer Time Elementary More Than A Feeling Saber Throw Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Curtain
Granted Feats
Wookiee: Let the Wookiee Win Mechu-deru II Wookiee: Laugh It Up, Furball Hexing II Order Feat: Force Disciple
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • Shyriiwook
  • Lore and History of the Brotherhood
  • The history of the Galactic Civil War including the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Galactic Empire
  • The history of the modern era including the New Republic and post-Galactic Concordance conflicts
Primary Martial Art Wrruushi
Secondary Martial Art None
Primary Lightsaber Form Form I (Shii-Cho)
Secondary Lightsaber Form None