Competition: Event: Figureheads Week 3 - Fiction

Event: Figureheads Week 3 - Fiction


There's a battle at the foot of the Serpentine Throne. The final struggle between Arconae and Queastor. You're there to see it. How did you get there? Why did you go? What happened? Write an account of your experience.


Any word processing platform.


250 word minimum, as standard for fiction competitions, no maximum word count. Points are awarded according to the fiction grading rubric.

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Event: Figureheads
Organized by
Nikola Valtiere Erinos, Cethgus Tiberius Entar
Running time
2014-08-25 until 2014-08-31 (7 days)
Target Unit
Clan Arcona
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
10 subscribers, of which 8 have participated.
Adept Celevon Werd'a
File submission
Textual submission

OP Celevon Edraven (Obelisk)/ Commander, Battleteam Arete of House Qel-Droma of Clan Arcona
PIN# 12004

1st place
Lord Marick Tyris Arconae
File submission
Textual submission


2nd place
3rd place
Meleu Karthdo
Meleu Karthdo
Meleu Karthdo opted out of publishing his submission.
3rd place
Occultan Iacul
Textual submission

Sight Nortorshin


The albino stood among the masses in front of the doors to the throne room. The journey to this point had been a rough one for most, being crammed into the hangar bay of the *Nighthawk*. Thankfully Sight, being the Chief Engineer of the vessel, was able to relax in comfort. Providing him a rare chance to reflect upon the battles so far. He did what he did for his ship, his brothers and sisters in his crew. He followed his Captain without question, and this all provided him a chance to quench his bloodlust. Once they had slipped behind enemy lines and assumed a low orbit, the Arconae forces had boarded various landing craft.

They had stormed through the Citadel leaving a swath of the dead and dying behind them. The Quaestor’s forces had broke before them as glass before the wrecking ball. The Quaestors and their Dark Jedi supporters were all that remained as the Arconae forces turned the hallway and came face to face with the doors to the throne room. Teroch gave suppressed signal and lightsabers ignited, their blades passing through the hearts of any known traitors. The final piece of business taken care off, in a unison they all raised a hand.

From inside the chamber the Quaestors and their supporters watched as the doors bent inward. A loud bang reverberated inside the throne room, as telekinetic energy ravished the only thing standing between them and Arconae. After a moment the entrance could take no more, the doors broke from the wall and flew inward. It was then that all hell broke loose upon the throne room.

The Arconae rushed forward, their supporters in tow. The glow of so many lightsabers illuminated the room beyond the normal lighting, casting a weird multicolored glow. Those once close fought and killed each other without remorse, Sight and the other members of the *Nighthawk* battled those of the crew who had turned away from the Arconae.

Force lightning danced and around the chamber killing those unlucky enough to be struck. Lightsabers and blasters downed the defenseless. The onslaught of the Arconae brought the Quaestors to their knees as those loyal to the house leaders were overcome. The Journeymen of both sides had fallen early in the battle. As the Arconae moved to take the life of the Quaestors the last of the defeated supporters fell. Those loyal to the Arconae surrounded the fallen house leaders. Their fate was sealed as escape was cut off from them. The albino stepped forward channeling the Force to remove itself from the Quaestors, a last tinge of fear and confusion before they were struck down.

As the dust settled and the former house leaders left mortal existence, the Arconae took their rightful spot upon the Serpentine throne.

4th place
A deleted dossier
File submission
5th place
Irakom Slaeghol
Textual submission

Running, running. ‘I have to keep running’ I thought to myself. I was still an acolyte. Basically an apprentice. But I still could do my part in the battle. An Arconae Jedi Knight was trailing me. I had to run faster. I walked into a dead end.
“Damn it” I said to nobody in particular.
The Jedi Knight had a sly grin on his face, probably thinking he would get an easy kill. I took out the lightsaber I picked up from the armory. I ignited it, thinking that if I were going down, I would take him down with me. One less for the Arconae. I was just a simple Acolyte. Wouldn’t be missed. But if I took down someone, it might change the game.
We started going round in a circle. He bared his fangs at me. They dripped with blood, probably from a poor Acolyte like me, stuck in a corner. This was it. My first battle. And probably my last. I tried to remember the strokes and orders.
‘What was it? Oh no…’ I thought, ‘I think I for got them’.
The Jedi Knight could see the frustration in me. He smiled again.
He said, “Come on little boy. Come over here so I can help you”.
“I replied, “Do I look like an idiot to you? I know that you’re going to kill me. If I die, I’m going to bring you down too”.
I must have persuaded him I could because his face suddenly turned serious. He lunged. I barely dodged it. I could feel the blade slice my shirt. My blade was out of reach. I did the only thing I could I used the hilt of my blade and aimed for his forehead. Thump. I had my eyes closed by then.
When I finally opened my eyes, I didn’t see him anywhere.
‘Where’d he go?’ I thought to myself.
I looked down at the floor. I must of wet my pants or something because I felt a warm feeling near my crotch.
‘I never knew I could hit someone that hard’ I thought.
He had a huge dent on his forehead. It was leaking blood everywhere. He must’ve been still alive because blood was still pumping out. I decided to finish this. I reignited my blade, which must have turned off when I hit him, and stabbed him in the heart. By then my heart was pumping fast. I had gotten my first kill!
Looking around, I saw an Arconae sneaking up on one of my friends.
“Mark Watch out!!!”
Mark turned around and saw the Arconae with his blades ignited. This one wasn’t as stupid or overconfident as the other. But he was young. He looked around my age. Maybe a few years older. Who knows. I’ll never find out.
I ignited my blade and charged him. I made a signal to Mark. I told him to distract him while I sneak him. Mark nodded and ignited his blade. They started dueling. I could tell the Arconae was new and inexperienced because he looked clumsy and scared. However, he was still a match for Mark. I had to finish this before he got hurt. I thrust my blade into his back. He screamed in pain.
“AGHHHHH!” he yelled. He still had some fight left in him though. He sliced his blades at Mark. It hit home.
Mark’s head fell to the floor.
I stabbed again and again into the body, even long after he died. I couldn’t believe it. Mark, the better swordsmen of us two, was dead. We’d been friends even before we joined the DJB. And now, in an instant, he was gone.
“You’re gonna pay for this!! ALL OF YOU ARCONAE BASTARDS!”
An older Jedi knight tried to calm me down. He said that I would get all the revenge I needed. I just had to calm down. I couldn’t listen to him. I just couldn’t. How could I when my best friend just died?
After a few minutes of thinking, I finally stopped being angry. I got this sudden calm feeling in myself. I still had the anger, but it was more of controlled anger. I stood up and brushed myself off. The Jedi knight had long since left to fight. I picked up my lightsaber and sought out one of the Quaestors.

No placement
Arruna Novar
Arruna Novar opted out of publishing her submission.
No placement
Lynnyaria Meraudstar
File submission
No placement
Qor Kith
Textual submission

A calm and collective aura filled the Arcona throne room, it was an emotion not known in recent times as the civil war progressed. Precious lives were lost, memories of paradise were stolen and the innocent were laid bare. Overall the dark and hardline faction of the Arconae thwarted the Quaestor stand for leadership at almost every turn. There was a sense in the Force of their incoming assault on the throne room, and the plan of defence to hold this area long enough for the leaders to return.

Lexiconus, the loyal Battle Team Leader, the young and inexperienced, the rising star stood his ground. He knew his place was right next to the letter of the law and he wanted justice delivered. He stood firmly on the spot with his Seraph hilt in hand, next to the most influential man in his lifetime. The Quaestor of Qel-Droma, his master. Together they fought and trained side-by-side, out in the fields of Selen, hidden in darkness of Estle City or sometimes in the Arcona Citadel itself. Together they grew into great leaders and it was here today that they wished to stand and fight together. Whether it was to their doom or victory depended entirely on the opposition. Nikola and Cethgus were the first to slowly step forward and look at the soundproof doors. Their ears far more tuned than ours could detect the crunching of bones, the squelching of brain matter and the shrieks of their soldiers. When the doors opened to the enemy, their lightsabers were already lit. Lexic’s soon followed, held tightly in his shaking hand.

No placement