Anteian Cross Breakdown

Award information

Cast from a solid disk of carvanium, the backing of the cross is inlaid with a decorative inner ring of bronzium that features glyphs representing the infinite power of dark might. The circlet’s center is dominated by three massive onyx shards carved from the claws of the predatory graul of Dantooine. The deeply burnished “jewels” represent the three insoluble Orders of the Brotherhood. The Anteian stands apart from the other "traditional" crosses of the Brotherhood in that it pays homage to the origins of the word from its namesake’s culture. "Cross", in the old Anteian dialects, literally translates into Basic as “joining of three”.

Award statistics
Number of Anteian Crosses awarded:
Number of members having at least one Anteian Cross:
Percentage of members (all ranks) having at least one Anteian Cross:
Percentage of members (Journeyman and up) having at least one Anteian Cross:
Average number of Anteian Crosses (per member of the Brotherhood)
Average number of Anteian Crosses (per member having at least one Anteian Cross)
Quantity Breakdown
Quantity Number of members
1 654 55.99%
2 165 14.13%
3 113 9.67%
4 78 6.68%
5 55 4.71%
6 35 3.0%
7 23 1.97%
8 10 0.86%
9 7 0.6%
10 8 0.68%
11 6 0.51%
12 5 0.43%
13 3 0.26%
14 1 0.09%
16 2 0.17%
17 2 0.17%
19 1 0.09%
Displaying recipients 1051 - 1072 of 1072 in total
PIN Rank Name Award count
17198 Knight Ahathr’iss’asapla (Thrissa) 1
16942 Professional Agron Dyrce 1
15719 Seer Agate Gua'lara 2
980 Mystic Aeson Rhys 4
10646 Knight Aesir 1
10057 Vanguard Aerwin Tribwell-Urr 4
14435 Neophyte Aen Van Del 1
16489 Neophyte Aelic Vyrling 1
7735 Hunter Adrian Kiarey 1
13706 Knight Adi Ka'Taramas 1
4118 Acolyte Adian Griffin 1
3412 Savant Adeodatus 1
4901 Warrior Aden Karas 1
13752 Savant Adem Bol'era 3
236 Battlelord Adam Anderson 6
1107 Master Acxodim Pyralis 11
5362 Hunter Achilles Theophilus 2
6237 Knight Acara Rai Rayden 3
14580 Battlemaster Abadeer Taasii 1
13425 Battlemaster Aay'han Agrona Beviin 5
411 Battlelord Aari Nikus 1
13998 Savant Aaleeshah 4