Anteian Cross Breakdown

Award information

Cast from a solid disk of carvanium, the backing of the cross is inlaid with a decorative inner ring of bronzium that features glyphs representing the infinite power of dark might. The circlet’s center is dominated by three massive onyx shards carved from the claws of the predatory graul of Dantooine. The deeply burnished “jewels” represent the three insoluble Orders of the Brotherhood. The Anteian stands apart from the other "traditional" crosses of the Brotherhood in that it pays homage to the origins of the word from its namesake’s culture. "Cross", in the old Anteian dialects, literally translates into Basic as “joining of three”.

Award statistics
Number of Anteian Crosses awarded:
Number of members having at least one Anteian Cross:
Percentage of members (all ranks) having at least one Anteian Cross:
Percentage of members (Journeyman and up) having at least one Anteian Cross:
Average number of Anteian Crosses (per member of the Brotherhood)
Average number of Anteian Crosses (per member having at least one Anteian Cross)
Quantity Breakdown
Quantity Number of members
1 651 55.88%
2 165 14.16%
3 113 9.7%
4 78 6.7%
5 55 4.72%
6 35 3.0%
7 23 1.97%
8 10 0.86%
9 8 0.69%
10 7 0.6%
11 6 0.52%
12 5 0.43%
13 3 0.26%
14 1 0.09%
16 2 0.17%
17 2 0.17%
19 1 0.09%
Displaying recipients 101 - 125 of 1069 in total
PIN Rank Name Award count
16663 Acolyte Garo Korden 1
14655 Acolyte Arsolimese 1
13541 Acolyte Rustin Servos 1
5648 Acolyte Dorn Ty'Rodius Ravr 2
11465 Acolyte Myrkal 1
13465 Acolyte Jhonario L'assaut 1
6688 Acolyte Jezzie 1
15485 Acolyte Jenazar Tahjen-kaar 1
6507 Acolyte Noktar Jameki 1
14170 Acolyte Tellos Sapredon 1
11130 Acolyte Evix Jhredmo 1
14054 Acolyte Nayc Gai 1
16595 Acolyte Magnus Vakarian 1
14781 Acolyte Ferkay 1
14570 Acolyte Balinéadut 1
15043 Acolyte Mugen 1
10825 Courier Zekk Renn 1
16848 Courier Rhyl Tondi 1
14871 Courier Ji'Kip 1
15122 Courier Blithe 2
16049 Courier Razqua 1
16807 Courier Rogaar 1
14106 Courier Arcean Furnece 1
14715 Courier KD9038 1
16818 Courier Drun'der Chuanach 1