Sapphire Blade Breakdown

Award information

The Sapphire Blade is a weapon fashioned in the style of a gladius short sword. It is versatile as a bladed melee weapon and falls between a long two-handed sword and a dagger. Forged with the blade a hypnotically deep azure color that is both durable, and capable of dissipating blaster bolts.

Award statistics
Number of Sapphire Blades awarded:
Number of members having at least one Sapphire Blade:
Percentage of members (all ranks) having at least one Sapphire Blade:
Percentage of members (Journeyman and up) having at least one Sapphire Blade:
Average number of Sapphire Blades (per member of the Brotherhood)
Average number of Sapphire Blades (per member having at least one Sapphire Blade)
Quantity Breakdown
Quantity Number of members
1 228 65.52%
2 85 24.43%
3 22 6.32%
4 9 2.59%
5 3 0.86%
6 1 0.29%
Displaying recipients 276 - 300 of 330 in total
PIN Rank Name Award count
91 Adept Terran Koul 2
9811 Augur Teu Buhkari Sadow 1
12761 Adept Teylas Ramar 2
3146 Grand Master Thedek 1
5101 Adept Thran Occasus-Palpatine 6
2270 Battlelord Tissaya Argat 1
13922 Vanguard Tisto Kingang 1
16828 Raider Titius Osseus 1
15115 Corsair Tomora Nay'ek 1
14146 Ranger Torin Ardell 1
9059 Augur Tra'an Reith di Plagia 2
12247 Warlord Tracinya Beviin Entar 2
176 Master Trevarus Irad Caerick 1
14169 Raider Trideo Arkson 1
7656 Master Troutrooper 2
14964 Eminent TuQ’uan Varick di Plagia 2
4094 Ranger Tyno 1
10558 Seer Ulfsark 2
2555 Warlord Umbra 2
6642 Battlemaster Valerian di Plagia Orzon 1
8650 Eminent Valhavoc 4
326 Warlord Valkas Tamalar Palpatine 1
10172 Warrior Valorian 1
67 Battlelord Vassan Rokir 1
1316 Warlord Vessicant 1