Seal of Unity Breakdown

Award information

Seals of the Dark Brotherhood are some of the most revered and sought-after awards by the membership. They fall within two categories: Seals of War and Seals of Loyalty. The Seals of War are struck of unique materials and design, and are awarded for participation and judging of Rites of Supremacy, Independence Games, and Great Jedi Wars, typically in a ratio of one seal per event. Traditionally, a new seal is created for each major vendetta or competition. The Seal of Unity was awarded to participants of the Ninth Great Jedi War: Unification

Award statistics
Number of Seals of Unity awarded:
Number of members having at least one Seal of Unity:
Percentage of members (all ranks) having at least one Seal of Unity:
Percentage of members (Journeyman and up) having at least one Seal of Unity:
Average number of Seals of Unity (per member of the Brotherhood)
Average number of Seals of Unity (per member having at least one Seal of Unity)
Quantity Breakdown
Quantity Number of members
1 51 20.48%
2 22 8.84%
3 25 10.04%
4 18 7.23%
5 20 8.03%
6 20 8.03%
7 12 4.82%
8 9 3.61%
9 9 3.61%
10 9 3.61%
11 8 3.21%
12 4 1.61%
13 10 4.02%
14 6 2.41%
15 8 3.21%
16 5 2.01%
17 3 1.2%
18 1 0.4%
19 1 0.4%
20 2 0.8%
21 2 0.8%
22 2 0.8%
26 2 0.8%
Displaying recipients 226 - 237 of 237 in total
PIN Rank Name Award count
295 Master Alanna Taldrya 17
3729 Adept Shanree Argentin 17
5101 Adept Thran Occasus-Palpatine 17
4520 Adept Braecen Kaeth 18
9193 Warlord Shaz'air Taldrya 19
6684 Battlelord Malidir Trepidus Erinos Arconae 20
2407 Adept Kell Palpatine Dante 21
10057 Vanguard Aerwin Tribwell-Urr 21
109 Prophet Kir Taldrya Katarn 22
4542 Battlelord Vardar Fen'Amar Taldrya 22
6 Grand Master Jac Cotelin 26
43 Prophet Halcyon 26