Seal of Decimation Breakdown

Award information

Seals of the Dark Brotherhood are some of the most revered and sought-after awards by the membership. They fall within two categories: Seals of War and Seals of Loyalty. The Seals of War are struck of unique materials and design, and are awarded for participation and judging of Rites of Supremacy, Independence Games, and Great Jedi Wars, typically in a ratio of one seal per event. Traditionally, a new seal is created for each major vendetta or competition. The Seal of Pain was awarded to participants of the Tenth Great Jedi War: Decimation

Award statistics
Number of Seals of Decimation awarded:
Number of members having at least one Seal of Decimation:
Percentage of members (all ranks) having at least one Seal of Decimation:
Percentage of members (Journeyman and up) having at least one Seal of Decimation:
Average number of Seals of Decimation (per member of the Brotherhood)
Average number of Seals of Decimation (per member having at least one Seal of Decimation)
Quantity Breakdown
Quantity Number of members
1 17 10.37%
2 27 16.46%
3 5 3.05%
4 10 6.1%
5 9 5.49%
6 9 5.49%
7 5 3.05%
8 5 3.05%
9 9 5.49%
10 6 3.66%
11 5 3.05%
12 6 3.66%
13 6 3.66%
14 5 3.05%
15 1 0.61%
16 5 3.05%
17 2 1.22%
18 4 2.44%
19 2 1.22%
20 5 3.05%
21 4 2.44%
22 2 1.22%
23 4 2.44%
24 1 0.61%
25 2 1.22%
26 1 0.61%
27 1 0.61%
28 2 1.22%
29 2 1.22%
33 1 0.61%
35 1 0.61%
Displaying recipients 76 - 100 of 156 in total
PIN Rank Name Award count
9709 Vanguard Zebina 8
4888 Savant Wes Biriuk Erinos 8
12449 Hunter Kazumi-Ytje Matsumoto 8
97 Master Malik Sadow 7
11435 Savant Roxas Buurenaar 7
8968 Savant Malfrost Xeon 7
4094 Ranger Tyno 7
12311 Knight Carissus 7
8930 Adept Korvyn 6
5829 Adept Driftan Balephor 6
11286 Seer Eiko 6
10466 Mystic Dyrra Skye 6
10301 Peacekeeper Zeon Blacktooth 6
8493 Hunter Rigar Ulrand 6
12288 Acolyte Lelila 6
3317 Adept Ood Bnar 5
11405 Warlord Shadow Nighthunter 5
326 Warlord Valkas Tamalar Palpatine 5
3704 Battlelord Xan Phraz-Etar 5
53 Major Putra Karno 5
12504 Warrior Tiamath 5
7384 Warrior Lokasena "Sena" Corvinus. 5
10809 Peacekeeper Ka'Hava'Ve 5
9056 Master Zxyl Bes'uliik 4
8343 Seer Sala Fe 4