Competition: Goodbye Iron Banner

Goodbye Iron Banner

It has been said that people want their Iron Banner team to be their pallbearers so they can let you down one more time.

To say good-bye to Iron Banner we are going to make up for that. The mission is simple, Be a team player and nothing says team player like assists. Sacrifice your K/D for the extra points on everyone else's kills. The player with the most assists in a single game will win the competition.

  • Submissions will be a screenshot from the Bungie website that includes a timestamp of when the game was played and shows assists.
  • Tie breaker will be the player with fewest kills and if that is still tied then earliest submission will win.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
[FIST] Quarterly Gaming Challenge Q3 2017
Organized by
Zed, Master Dracaryis
Running time
2017-08-01 until 2017-08-07 (7 days)
Target Unit
Entire DJB
Competition Type
Single-player Gaming
First Level Crescents
1 subscriber, of which 0 have participated.
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