Competition: SRI Research Project #1: The Beginning

SRI Research Project #1: The Beginning

Welcome to the first official Research Project of the Sphere of Research and Intelligence (SRI). This round will lay the foundation for the entire future of the organization and focuses on locating and recruiting the first official Supreme Director. The main container competition is going to be used as a resource to both summarize the outcome of the previous month's Research Project and also link to further resources for those looking to play catch up. There is very little to include in this initial cycle but I expect this to be great source of information going forward.

The SRI needs you, both fictionally and as a project this organization is only just starting to get its feet under itself. Let’s get this thing moving!

Fiction Update

House Ektrosis Quaestor Justinios Drake plopped down into the oversized chair in his office aboard the Paragon exhausted after a day full of meetings. Finally alone with just his own thoughts, Justinios considered sending his resignation letter directly to the man who had recruited him into the position, Clan Taldryan Consul Rian Taldrya. Before accepting the position at the head of Ektrosis, Justinios would have spent a day such as this performing experiments in his lab aboard the Order of Magnitude instead of attending to endless negotiating with the varied members of the Taldryan armed forces in what essentially amounted to begging for personnel, resources and funding for the fledgling Sphere of Research and Intelligence.

Read the rest of the fiction here.

Intelligence Update

The nascent SRI is in a very vulnerable state. Former Taldryan Intelligence Directorate assets have been reassigned to the SRI by Consul Rian Taldrya but what little staff that was reallocated has already been used by Quaestor Justinios Drake to assist with the search for a Supreme Director. As the remains of Clan Taldryan’s forces begin the process of securing a long term home in the Caelus System, Drake has focused the few assets he has on locating a suitable candidate within this newly encountered realm in the hopes that this being’s knowledge of local key players would be a major boon to the growth of the project. His gamble paid off and the Quaestor has formulated a mission for the members of House Ektrosis to go down to Chyron and recruit one of these candidates.

Research Update

Without a leader to help build the organization there is no research division and thus no active research to report on. The entire future of the SRI is up in the air as it awaits its first leader.


The current morality of the SRI is: Non-Existent

We have not had any activity yet. Next month’s Research Project will be the first with an official morality level, unless we start with a tie.


SRI Wiki Page
SRI Systems Page
SRI Tracking Sheet


There are no rewards for this container competition.

Competition Information
Organized by
Running time
2018-02-18 until 2018-03-21 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
House Ektrosis
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.
SRI Research Project #1: The Beginning has 5 sub-competitions
Title Status Running time Competition Type
SRI Project #1 - Week 1 (Flash Game) Finished 2018-02-18 - 2018-02-24 (7 days) Flash Gaming/Puzzles
SRI Research Project #1 - Fiction Finished 2018-02-18 - 2018-03-21 (about 1 month) Fiction
SRI Project #1 - Week 2 (Quiz) Finished 2018-02-25 - 2018-03-03 (7 days) Trivia
SRI Project #1 - Week 3 (Wiki Hunt) Finished 2018-03-04 - 2018-03-10 (7 days) Other
SRI Project #1 - Week 4 (Custom Aspect) Finished 2018-03-11 - 2018-03-21 (11 days) Flash Gaming/Puzzles

Nobody has participated in this competition.