Competition: Arcona Army Corps: Motto

Arcona Army Corps: Motto

Arcona invicta! is the catch phrase for the Brotherhood's Shadow Clan, translating to "unconquered" in Galactic Basic. And much like Arcona, each unit of the AAC from regiment and up has its own motto: that phrase that exemplifies their purpose, history, and/or characteristics. For this competition, you will create a suitable motto for the Arcona Army Corps. It can be in Basic (English), High Galactic (Latin), or you can get creative and make it in a language that's part of Dajorra's demographic (all such entries must contain an English translation for grading purposes).

Simply type your proposed motto into the text box, along with any requisite translations. It is not required, but highly encouraged each motto have an accompanying explanation for its content. Grading will be evenly distributed across:

  • Appropriate: the motto fits the AAC's purpose, history, and/or personality.
  • Logical: the motto makes sense, both in content and language choice.
  • Grader's Preference: Speaks for itself. Also used for tie-breaking.
Competition Information
Parent Competition
Arcona Armed Forces Development Project
Organized by
Qyreia Arronen
Running time
2023-12-03 until 2023-12-23 (21 days)
Target Unit
Clan Arcona
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
3 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
1st place
Textual submission

"Ex Unitate Vires" - From unity, strength or Unity is Strength.
Origin language, Latin (High Galactic)
A motto to represent the unity of the army corps gives it its strength, that all in the army no matter their species or creed they are united together and are stronger for it. To have trust in one's fellow comrades and embrace it through thick and thin.

1st place
Aedile Tali Sroka
Aedile Tali Sroka opted out of publishing her submission.
2nd place
3rd place
Textual submission

"Adapt your body! Adjust weapons! Combat the enemy!"

Since the famous conversation between Consul Mejas Doto and Proconsul Sashar Arconae during the first sight of AAF training as the new found militaristic organ.
"They adjust very well to the new form of the training." Said Mejas.
"And the Selenian's are adapting combat styles of others in high fast rate."
These words where overheard by Commander Zenkai who made a signal to synchronized three step, training march towards fake enemy line with words:
"Adapt - your - body!"
"Adjust - your - weapon!"
Which was easily assimilated within forces as a guideline for these march techniques.

Later in history Sashar Erinos Arconae admiring a specific (only Selenian) group of warriors training for AAC during his routine checks of the army.

Their dedication, flexibility in different field scenarios, alongside foresighting of the enemy's move made him to modify original motto of AAF to match present one as the most beneficial for new recruits to remember during their future battles in AAC military structures.

3rd place