Competition: Bonanza!



Bonanza has 3 sections, one for obbies, one for sith and one for krathlings.

For Obbies: Points collection for MP matches and SP levels. Participation (loss) = 2p Victory in MP duel = 4p Finished SP level = 3p

For Sith: Exactly like for Obbies.

3 persons with the most points win (separately for Obbies, and for Sith)

For Krath:

Write an ode! To whatever you want, even to a cow, I don't care, BUT it must has a rhym. For this there will be points as well. Each two lines give you 1 point, if they rhym you got 2 points. But an ode must be one whole not fragments of several topics.

And again, 3 persons with the most points win. Also there is a scale : from 1 to 5 for the plot of the ode - quality that is.


SP & MP JK/JO/JA/XvT/XWA/TIE Ode writting


Obbies and Sith: report your scores to me, Krathling send in your odes to me as well at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] (note to Krath: submissions in .zip please)


1st place - Crescent with Sapphire Star 2nd place - Crescent with Emerald Star 3rd place - Crescent with Topaz Star

(Medals will be awarded separately for each House.)

Competition Information
Organized by
Tissaya Argat
Running time
2004-04-04 until 2004-04-11 (8 days)
Target Unit
Clan Naga Sadow
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.