Competition: The Artisans

The Artisans


Your search has led to an ancient Tapestry, depicting the Patron of your house, either Marka Ragnos, or Ludo Kresh. You, however, are not the only one who found it, and a battle ensues.

1) Screenshot competition: You will submit a screenshot of a game supported by the Brotherhood. The criteria will mostly be centered around creativity, with a Multiplayer screenshots getting bonus point. Of course, this will count as a submission for all those in the screenshot. 2) Fiction Competition: You will write a fiction about the battle. Who are you fighting, why is (s)he fighting you? Why is (s)he after the Tapestry? What is his/her allegiance? (min. 2 pages)

After an epic struggle, and plenty of bloodshed, the fight is won (what else to expect from someone from CNS?), and the tapestry is taken back to the Orian system. There, the next problems arise. Where to place it? How to place it?

3) graphics competition: You will submit graphics, depicting the Tapestry. 4) Writing competition: You will describe the Tapestry. What does it look like? Why was it placed? Fiction scores bonus. (min. 1 page) 5) Fiction competition: You will be one of those working on placing the tapestry. You shall write a fiction around that. Where is it placed? Why did you have to work on placing it? what are your duties during the placement? Chances are the Tapestry is imbued with the Force. How does this affect you? (min. 1 page)

As with every such deed, a feast is held at the end. During this, you decide to climb on a table, and start singing a song in the honor of the clan.

6) Song You will sing (in this case, it will be written down) a song, to honor the founding of the clan. Naturally, something suitably dark is required.


Writing, games.


as has been done every year, there is an Artisans for CNS this year, too. submit entries to Malik and me.


for all events: 3rd level crescents. for overall winners: 2nd level crescents for the winning house: a new artifact.

Competition Information
Organized by
Darth Aeternus
Running time
2004-11-02 until 2004-12-02 (about 1 month)
Target Unit
Clan Naga Sadow
Competition Type
None/Other (Manually Awarded)
0 subscribers, of which 0 have participated.

Nobody has participated in this competition.