Competition: Easter Sunday Funday!

Easter Sunday Funday!

On the morning of Easter Sunday, your Proconsul wandered into our local watering hole #Taldryan, bright eyed and bushy tailed. He wished to see his lovely and happy friends, and talk to them all, and be all happy and joyous and friendly together!

But alas, mischief was afoot! Upon entering, he only found foreigners, trampling over our once pristine lawn. None of the regulars were there. Howlader was off snout deep in a pint of ale somewhere. Shadow was off pretending to be an amnesiac and stuff again. Even young Dru and Nero were off hiding. Most alarmingly, where was Kazimiri of Belgium? After a quick investigation, Keirdagh stumbled upon a dastardly truth. It was so unspeakably awesome that he immediately (after taking a nap, it is Sunday after all) rushed to bring you the great news!

KAZMIR IS MISSING. Don't worry. Keirdagh figured it all out, because Kazmir has been hiding an amazing secret.

  • Kazmir is Belgian.
  • Belgians make Chocolate.
  • Today is Easter.
  • Chocolates are hidden all around the world, and searched for on Easter by a magical rabbit.
  • Kazmir is missing.

QED: Kazmir is the Easter Bunny!


Your job is to write the story of Kazmir's trip around Kr'Tal on Easter Sunday, hiding all the little chocolates for all the good Sith (and I guess Krath and Obelisk too) and bad Jedi of the land.

Make it rife with intrigue, hilarity, and craziness. Have fun & Happy Easter!


Any of the major supported word processing formats or the handy little submission box of the Competition Centre.


  • Submissions due by Midnight UTC April 29th
  • Minimum of 250 Words.
  • No Maximum word count.
  • This is meant to be a humourous competition. Have fun with it.
  • For the record? Making something silly into an overly serious drama? I also find that funny, so if you're not comfortable writing humour, try the noir serious route.
Competition Information
Organized by
Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor
Running time
2014-04-20 until 2014-04-29 (10 days)
Target Unit
Clan Taldryan
Competition Type
Fourth Level Crescents
5 subscribers, of which 3 have participated.
Armags C'Hiesa
File submission
1st place
Howlader Taldrya
File submission
2nd place
3rd place
Lord Halcyon
Lord Halcyon
Lord Halcyon opted out of publishing his submission.
3rd place