Details for ACC Fundamentals

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
77% 2 0.82%
80% 1 0.41%
81% 4 1.65%
86% 11 4.53%
87% 1 0.41%
90% 25 10.29%
93% 2 0.82%
95% 40 16.46%
96% 2 0.82%
100% 168 69.14%
Displaying graduates 1 - 25 of 243 in total
PIN Rank Name
14088 Novice Tareick
13810 Novice Ilsa Tirana
14030 Proselyte Hep Arapto
13758 Proselyte Z8-K4
12476 Proselyte Gajeel Hestilic Tiure
13960 Neophyte Kagerou Sunnyside
14138 Neophyte Rhan Ocheron
10525 Neophyte Raidius
13623 Neophyte Bendak Talasar
14188 Acolyte Lourana Seaborn
8144 Acolyte Ingram Thorpe
13811 Acolyte Vassago Shax
14268 Acolyte Yuh'orah
13746 Acolyte Ellie-Marie Kinsha
14212 Acolyte Sumsol "Karma" Salackta
13664 Acolyte Kythar Jakan
14106 Courier Arcean Furnece
14180 Padawan Ceballa LightBringer
13968 Padawan John Brown
14045 Padawan Drake Starfire
14290 Padawan Destin Oceanfel
14236 Hunter Onwai Starborne
13762 Hunter Naomi Felian
14135 Hunter Vyrim
6920 Hunter Aiorus Van Trayus