Details for Leadership Rewards

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
72% 2 0.98%
76% 3 1.47%
77% 6 2.94%
82% 2 0.98%
83% 5 2.45%
88% 13 6.37%
94% 52 25.49%
100% 127 62.25%
Displaying graduates 151 - 175 of 204 in total
PIN Rank Name
14024 Warrior Remurr Hijaa
13957 Mystic Revs
10701 Master Rian Taldrya
13521 Savant Riverche
15695 Knight Rivio Rosan
12671 Battlemaster Rosh Nyine
13401 Lieutenant Colonel Ryuu Suoh
235 Warlord Saitou Tarentae
10407 Adept Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
10051 Savant Sa Ool
14729 Professional Satre Pelles
14029 Savant Scarlet Agna
13894 Knight Sebz Janren
15689 Seer Sera Kaern
13996 Knight Serenla
14119 Knight Seyda Norith
11405 Warlord Shadow Nighthunter
3729 Adept Shanree Argentin
14280 Knight Sia Thiano
16298 Savant Sinya Ani
12648 Adept Socorra Tenebrosa Nhar’qual Erinos
14451 Warrior Stang Mach
13593 Brigadier General Stres'tron'garmis
3403 Battlelord Sykes Jade
146 Adept Takota Okami