Details for Ranged Weaponry Studies

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
73% 1 0.64%
75% 1 0.64%
80% 1 0.64%
86% 4 2.56%
90% 6 3.85%
93% 14 8.97%
95% 9 5.77%
100% 126 80.77%
Displaying graduates 1 - 25 of 156 in total
PIN Rank Name
15442 Novice Oorlogwolf
12337 Proselyte Xannillious Tsurutaka
12242 Proselyte Quellia Zionz
15723 Neophyte Faramir
14879 Runner Graesa Churrigh
17212 Courier Hau Nae
16317 Acolyte Rosh Athan
13822 Hunter Sarai Andromeda
16240 Yeoman Daven Skyfe
16442 Padawan Dalric Hadroll
17114 Sergeant Major Ravir Keanvu
17179 Knight Majyc
17198 Knight Ahathr’iss’asapla (Thrissa)
16051 Knight Malevek
17206 Professional reecioes-jasmyn
14927 Professional Texas UK
14901 Knight Ashael Blackstar
15703 Knight Ahsik Warren
7722 Knight Kaz Raith
3938 Knight Jabis Ravenhawk
13116 Knight Garloaf
17189 Knight Kagon Agra
13600 Lieutenant Purren Strost
12099 Lieutenant Nefin Nightfire
14567 Peacekeeper Tyraal Bitshiver