Details for Planets and Stars

Course information
Number of members graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (all ranks) graduated:
Percentage of Brotherhood members (Journeyman and up) graduated:
Score breakdown
Score Number of members
80% 1 1.16%
82% 1 1.16%
83% 2 2.33%
85% 8 9.3%
87% 1 1.16%
88% 1 1.16%
90% 3 3.49%
92% 2 2.33%
95% 9 10.47%
97% 23 26.74%
100% 37 43.02%
N/A 1 1.16%
Displaying graduates 26 - 50 of 86 in total
PIN Rank Name
8106 Adept Kojiro Keibatsu Sadow
8338 Knight nariah Jadon
8539 Lieutenant Colonel Jeric Cyrin
9034 Warlord Ekeia Iclo
9426 Adept Alaris Jinn
9485 Battlemaster Dralin Fortea
10013 Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
10059 Warrior Bal Demona
10106 Adept Reiden Palpatine Karr
10446 Warlord Fremoc Pepoi
11405 Warlord Shadow Nighthunter
11518 Adept Xantros
11958 Novice Altiair
12069 Knight Shadowkind
12250 Padawan Thorzan Dane Beviin
12449 Hunter Kazumi-Ytje Matsumoto
12503 Hunter Varoth
12649 Knight Waldron Ravenblade
12671 Battlemaster Rosh Nyine
12767 Peacekeeper Cartel Dh'than
12769 Warrior Alexander DelGotto
12771 Neophyte Redec Livan
12800 Warrior Egregious
12828 Warrior Scelestus
12878 Novice Toxicating