Event Details

Event ID
Naomi Felian
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Primary reason

It is with great excitement that I recommend PRT Naomi Felian to the Rank of Guardian. Having been a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood for a mere 5 days, Naomi's impact on the DJB rivals even that of a veteran members.

In the aforementioned time period, Naomi has completed a stunning 30 Shadow Academy course, earning 2 Dark Pundits, a Dark Maven in Flight, and Shadow Academy Society Rank 3, while maintaining an even more impressive 95.68% average. During her diligent studies Naomi also took time to assist the Headmaster in improving the new Order course that had just been released earning herself a well deserved Dark Cross.

More so, Naomi's hard work and dedication can be found outside of the hall of the Shadow Academy. Indeed, her 26 Clusters of Fire and GMRG Rank I highlights her gaming prowess in support of DJB gaming platforms.

Furthermore. Naomi has been the exemplary member in terms of IRC activity and DJB competitions. Having entered 5 competitions in as many days while maintaining a steady IRC presence her drive and dedication are unquestionable.

It is in light of her completion of all requisite mandatory tasks and the numerous noteworthy accomplishments detailed in this write-up that I recommend Naomi for promotion to the rank of Guardian. Congratulations, Naomi. Keep up the good work.

Montresor, 2013-12-28 01:05:21 UTC