Event Details

Event ID
Andraste Vivendi
Old Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Primary reason

I am delighted to announce that Andraste Vivendi is eligible for promotion to the rank of Jedi Hunter. Since rejoining a few weeks ago she has been an excellent example for any Journeyman to follow.

Firstly, she is a regular user of the #arcona IRC channel, usually joining in with the discussions and banter with her fellow Arconans.

Andraste's competition activity has been impressive, whereby she has taken part in less than six competitions, placing in five of these. Furthermore she has run her own competition at a clan-wide level.

She has also shown an interest in character development, writing over 2,000 words of character fiction.

Finally, she has obtained 2 merit medals, these being a pair of Dark Crosses, and held the rank of Guardian for the requisite 21 days.

Congrats, Andraste. Just one more rank and you'll have your saber. ;)

Clan Rollmaster, Arcona

, 2014-05-04 14:32:46 UTC