Event Details

Event ID
General Kenath Zoron Ad Vizsla
Old Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
New Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
Requested by
Lord Halcyon
Primary reason

It has been a real treat watching Zoron continue to grow and further himself in the club since achieving Knighthood. He has continued his torrid pace of activity since his promotion, managing to participate in nearly 50 competitions during that time and earning himself 30 Crescents in the process. He has also earned himself 259 Clusters of Fire, 19 Clusters of Ice and a Pendant of Blood. At the same time he has also run 4 competitions, all of them DB-wide. All of this activity has earned him 2 Steel Crosses and 2 Anteian Crosses.

However, on top of just his activity, Zoron has also come into his role as a leader in Taldryan. He has always been active in terms of communication, both over e-mail and IRC, but he has truly stepped up his game since becoming the leader of the Wardens BT. As Battleteam Leader, Zoron is constantly in contact with his members, e-mailing them directly to see how they are doing as well as offering those below the rank of DJK ways in which they may be promoted. He has posted a handful of BT-specific reports during this period of time as well.

Zoron, overall, is a great member of this Clan, and I am proud to have him with us. He is always willing to do whatever he can to help, and is always leading from the front. I'm ecstatic to see him becoming an Equite, and look forward to seeing him churn through the ranks.

Congratulations, Zoron!

Lord Halcyon, 2014-09-11 00:06:08 UTC
Additional reasons

Ah, young Zoron. It feels like only yesterday we were learning about you. Now, you're one of Taldryan's most dedicated and active members. In addition to the substantial list of accomplishments delineated by Halc, I figured I would add to that, and also mention some of Zoron's more intangible qualities/activities. First, Zoron has been a pretty active taker of Shadow Academy courses (and thus, earner of degrees), including 9 full Shadow Academy courses, a few journeymen hall courses, and ultimately, the Maven in combat, and the Tactics and Combat Savant.

Additionally, Zoron has started the long and sometimes painful journey towards becoming a player in a much larger game. He's begun to help the new Deputy Grand Master on projects as a magistrate. Now, don't get me wrong, this doesn't show past activity - this shows potential, and how Zoron can (and will) thrive once he's been given the opportunity. We can also see this from his more recent Taldryan activity. He is active on IRC, as well as on the Taldryan mailing lists (both the Clan and the house). He's also beginning to come into his own, and is able to guide the members of his battleteam into what they can and should be doing in regards to activity.

There is a bright future for Zoron in our Clan, and the Brotherhood as a whole - and I look forward to seeing what happens next. PS: Do all the things!

Howlader Taldrya, 2014-09-09 18:16:40 UTC

When I first joined the DB I didn’t really see much competition within my own ranks. But then Zoron showed up and decided to change that. It seemed like every competition I entered, Zoron was there to bump my placing down. His consistency to beat me was a big motivation for myself within the DB.

But Zorons work as Battleteam Leader of the Wardens is the most inspiring. The amount of effort he has put forth in the last month is incredible. Whether it’s gaming, competitions, or SA exams, Zoron does everything he can to lead from the front. And he doesn’t stop there. He’s constantly on IRC talking with his fellow clan members and getting them involved in the current events.

Aiden Dru, 2014-09-10 22:49:39 UTC

Zoron, or Kenath Archibald Mustafa William Eric Dieter Von Zoron XIV as he is known by his close friends, is a stellar example of what it means to be a member of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and Clan Taldryan. First of all, he's an excellent fetcher. I think of all the times that I have asked him to fetch me something, and by great Odin's beard, he comes back with it well over half the time. It's uncanny. Like he actually listens to what I ask, and then goes out and gets it. Brilliant.

Then, there're all the glowing remarks that his and my colleagues above have pointed out. I mean, look at those numbers. Look at the things, and all the stuff. The dude is a gold mine, and frankly Taldryan is just superbly lucky to have him.

In all seriousness though, Zoron has proven himself to be one of Taldryan's most reliable, active, and loyal members since rejoining the Brotherhood. Ever since he joined back up, we knew that Zoron would be ready to handle quite a load, and he hasn't disappointed. Without gilding the lily too much or rehashing what everyone else has said: Taldryan has come to depend on Zoron, and between his work ethic, his knowledge and willingness to expand his horizons for the good of the Clan, and the Brotherhood, I am extremely happy to see him promoted to the rank of Sith Warrior.

Congrats Kenath Archibald Mustafa William Eric Dieter Von Zoron XIV

Master Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor,

Proconsul of Taldryan

Keirdagh Taldrya Cantor, 2014-09-11 00:01:18 UTC