Event Details

Event ID
Ranarr Kul-Tarentae
Old Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Dark Jedi Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae
Primary reason

On occasion when you have a brand new member join your unit, you have a really good feeling about them; you think to yourself, “This person could go places.” I had that feeling with Itshim, and so far he’s proven me right time and time again. I’m going to give my fellow recommendation writers the chance to speak to his character and work ethic - which I truly feel are the two things that set Itshim above his peers - and focus instead on what he has done to achieve this all-important rank.

Just since achieving the rank of Jedi Hunter twenty-eight days ago (which, it should be noted, is the bare minimum time in grade for consideration of Knighthood), Itshim has placed in eight competitions - notice I said placed, not just participated. He’s completed two fiction matches, two PvE matches, and two PvP matches; this activity across the spectrum garnered him an additional Cluster of Ice, twelve Clusters of Fire, and seven Clusters of Earth. He’s also served in a leadership capacity the entire time he’s been a Jedi Hunter, serving initially as a Battleteam Sergeant and now, for the past three weeks, as the Inmortuae Battleteam Leader.

In his short time as a Journeyman he has also: co-organized two competitions; made himself a force to be recognized in the Shadow Academy by ascending to the fourth rank of the Shadow Academy Society, earning two Dark Mavens, and passing two of the more difficult Leadership Studies courses; and created a high-quality Wiki article. The most incredible part? Itshim has had almost, if not all, of his promotion prerequisites (excluding time in grade) done for at least a week.

I want to close my recommendation with a final indicator of the kind of member Itshim is: the promotion requirements for Dark Jedi Knight require participation in at least 8 competitions. He has competed in more than three times that many at twenty nine. Itshim is the kind of member Tarentum needs as we seek to regain our glory, and he is the kind of young leader our club desperately needs to develop. For the reasons above, as well as the ones that will be coming in the supporting recommendations, I am happy to speak on behalf of the Clan Summit to recommend Itshim to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight.

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2015-07-15 18:03:56 UTC
Additional reasons

I was asked to be Itshim’s Master soon after I returned to the DB. I had never been an active part of the Master/Apprentice program and I was rather reluctant to take on the duty, as I was afraid it was going to be nothing but me sending emails asking “Hello, are you there?” I have seen far too many people join, and never be heard from again, or be around for a week and then fade away. I could not have been more wrong. Itshim has been active from day one, completing SA courses and entering competitions, blowing up my email with MAA and SA emails. I said to myself “He’s going to reach JH, and realize he has to wait a month for a promotion, and disappear.” Instead he has continued on, doing what he has been since day one. Not only that, but he has listened to me talk about the old days (apparently I am a great substitute for a village elder) and instead of just humoring me, he has been interested, and has actually worked towards bringing Tarentum back to its former glory. He has served to inspire me to keep active, ensuring that I outdo him in SA activity (and I don’t know how much longer I can keep that up!), as I cannot outdo him in competitions. He has completely taken to the DB, and to his role in Tarentum, and as my Apprentice. He has tried out just about everything the DB has to offer, IRC, ToR, Pazaak, Telegram, SA, Competitions, etc, etc. If a club of Dark Jedi can be said to have a bright future, Itshim is it. It is my honor and privilege to say that Itshim deserves the rank of Dark Jedi Knight, and I am ready to stand in front of Clan and Council if need be to proclaim his worthiness to a lightsabre of his own. Itshim is someone that I am proud to serve with, and I look forward to serving with him for years to come.

Warlord Pel Tarentae, 2015-07-15 05:46:56 UTC

As the current Rollmaster of Tarentum, I’m glad I have the possibility of recommending this valuable member we all know by the name of Ithshim. This young Jedi Hunter had no time to adjust to his rank as he is one of the fastest growing members of Tarentum. His skills and dedication have made him an MVP and we’re damn glad to have him here.

As his Rollmaster, it has been a treat to work with Itshim. Everything I recommend for him, he get’s there and does it. There’s no buts or ifs when it comes to him doing work. He even goes above and beyond. For a member that just joined the club a few months ago he is amazing. He’s currently in charge of a Battleteam, Immortuae, he hosts many competitions and he’s helping Tarentum shape it’s future. He’s even took the role of a mentor for a younger Tarentum member and I’m sure that he will continue to mentor others, officially, now that he is a DJK.

I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for Itshim and I’m glad that I was a part of his past. Your ascension to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight is well deserved. Congratulations!

OE Frosty Romanae Tarentae, Rollmaster of Tarentum

Frosty Romanae Tarentae, 2015-07-15 05:47:49 UTC