Event Details

Event ID
Dazta Delel
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Frosty Romanae Tarentae
Primary reason

What can I say about Dazta Delel . . . Other than that she is totally awesome! Yes, she is! Her work in Tarentum has been exemplary. Since her last promotion, Dazata has participate in eighteen competitions for which she has received six Crescents. She has also organized three competition of her own for Tarentum.

In the Shadow Academy department she has reached the fourth rank (Junior) and has passed the Leadership exams and earned two Dark Pundits (Essentials and Vendetta) and a Dark Maven in Lore.

Even though she is busy with Real Life, she is often on Telegram chatting with the Clan or she is helpful via email. She is a great person to be around and has worked very hard to attain this promotion. Her two merit awards are testimony of her work. With this promotion she will be the first Grey Jedi to ascend to Knight in Tarentum and that's no small feat.

I hereby deem Hunter Dazta Delel worthy to be a Knight of Tarentum! Congratulations!


Battlelord Frosty Romanae Tarentae

Rollmaster of Tarentum

Frosty Romanae Tarentae, 2016-01-05 09:01:58 UTC
Additional reasons

As her Master, I enjoyed sharing all 94 days Dazta spend in her current rank. It isn't easy to stay active when you have kids and an impossable husband (looks in the mirror) to take care of, but Dazta Delel kept the ball running.

Because of her perseverance and her activity on different areas of all the Brotherhood has to offer... I'd be glad to welcome her to Knighthood.

Ranarr Kul-Tarentae, 2016-01-04 15:45:23 UTC

In the five months that she has been a part of Tarentum, Dazta has shown herself to be an example member; she is well rounded, showing capabilities as both a gamer and the Shadow Academy; she is competitive, having entered in eighteen competitions since she joined and placing in six of them (a pretty good percentage, I think); and she is dedicated, working hard with her Master to complete her requirements swiftly. She has made a fine addition to our merry band of misfits, and I am extremely proud that she'll be the first Grey Knight in Tarentum. Congratulations, Dazta!

Adept Farrin Xies Tarentae, 2016-01-05 00:12:41 UTC

Well I have seen activity before and I have seen Dazta's activity which i must say is truly amazing. Dazta has been a hive of activity since she has joined the Battle Team, and has been non stop.

Passing a large amount of Exams in one go is Great

Well Done Dazta

Constantine, 2016-01-05 08:58:06 UTC