Event Details

Event ID
Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj
Old Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
New Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
Requested by
Raistline Taldrya Majere
Primary reason

I was incredibly excited when I saw Warrior Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj would be joining the ranks of Taldryan six months ago. Her level of activity was well known outside of Arcona. Since her last promotion a year ago Kooki has continued that level of activity, earning the rare feat of receiving Steel Crosses from two different clans. In the past year she has served as a Battle Team Sergeant of Arete for three months, recruited a member, completed seven SA courses, earned forty-five CoF's,organized/co-organized three competitions and participated in seventy competitions, ranking or winning nineteen of those comps. What is truly amazing is the amount of fiction she has pumped out. In two ACC battles and twenty-five fiction activities she has written 31654 words of fiction nabbing her seventy-one CoI's and making her the fifth highest member of Taldryan's Inquisitors.

Kooki is an amazing member to have. Her participation levels are high and she takes the time and effort to make sure her fictions are of quality. I feel her activities and merits in the DJB warrant a promotion to the rank of Battlemaster. And as always Kooki, this is for you: @)--'--,--

Raistline Taldrya Majere, 2016-02-01 04:09:30 UTC
Additional reasons

Kooki joined Taldryan about half a year ago, and has continued with the same standands of activity that she had in Clan Arcona. Since her last promotion, Kooki has participated in 70 competitions, earned two Steel Crosses, earned 19 Crescents, 71 Clusters of Ice, 45 Clusters of Fire, and a Scroll of Foundation. She's also been adding to the greater health of the Brotherhood, having organized three competitions. For her service to Taldryan and to the Brotherhood, Kookimarissia Mimosa-Inahj should be promoted to Battlemaster. Congratulations!

Howlader Taldrya, 2016-01-31 16:16:44 UTC

When Kooki joined us in July I was excited to have a member I knew would be both active and a delight to have around. It’s interesting to have someone join the Clan and already know that you can expect great things from them. Kooki, however, exceeded my expectations and has done many great things since her last promotion, and some amazing thing since she’s joined Taldryan. Having earned 116 Clusters, close to 20 Crescents, but it doesn’t stop there. Kooki has created 3 competitions and participated in 70 competitions. Kooki’s creative doesn’t stop there she has posted over 31,500 words of fiction and passed 7 Shadow Academy Courses.

Bobecc Varga, 2016-02-01 01:13:31 UTC