Event Details

Event ID
Satre Pelles
Old Rank
Neophyte (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Mar Sûl
Primary reason

Since joining the Brotherhood Inyri has proven to be an excellent member of our Clan, during his 16 days as Neophyte they have visited the Clan channel, becoming a frequent communicator and welcome presence. Inyri has also proven to be somewhat of a Shadow Academy enthusiast having passed 12 courses and elevating them to rank 2 within the Shadow Academy society, this enthusiasm has also enabled Inyri to qualify for the ACC and create an approved character sheet. Finally Inyri has participated in 3 competitions, namely ‘You can’t take the sky from me’, ‘The War is over!’ and ‘Bartender, I need a drink.’

Inyri, it’s always a pleasure to see new members make progress through the Brotherhood especially those who are as interested as you are, keep up the good work!

Mar Sûl, 2016-08-20 14:59:33 UTC
Additional reasons

Many times new members are thrown for a loop when they join the DJB, they see others who have walked the path they are on now and worry they won't fit in with the clan. That is not the case with Inyri, he has joined and jumped head first into the pool. He has spent many days talking to his clan mates on telegram, he's passed 12 shadow academy courses such as capital ship studies and transport studies, ACC exams resulting in his qualification in the ACC. He has also participated in 3 competitions, Bartender I need a Drink, The Ware is Over and You can't take the sky from me. I believe he will continue to work hard and become an amazing member with in the Clan and DJB as a whole. Congrats on your promotion Inryi, I look forward to your promotion to Knight one day soon.

Teu Buhkari Sadow, 2016-08-20 05:05:54 UTC