Event Details

Event ID
Selket KuroHyo
Official Letter of Reprimand
XP Value
0.0 XP (Full Value)
Requested by
Primary reason

Found Guilty Of: *Disreputable Behaviour in trial by her peers.<BR><BR>

<B>Original charge:</B> By attempting to utilize the last remnants of power and influence you have in this organization, you have brought both dishonour upon yourself and the people you have attempted to coerce. Your actions are highly unbecoming of a former Consul of the Brotherhood, and your disgrace reflects poorly on the Brotherhood as a whole.

<BR><BR> <B>SENTENCE</B><BR><BR> <B>I)</B> Demotion of One Rank to the Rank of Krath Archpriestess.<BR><BR> <B>II)</B> An Official Letter of Reprimand listing your offenses against the brotherhood.<BR><BR> <B>III)</B> Probation for a 3 month period.<BR> <B>Terms of Probation:</B> Selket is prohibited from being appointed to a Position within the Brotherhood until the Date of: December 20th, 2005. <BR><BR> Issued by Justicar Keirdagh Cantor, 20 September 2005

, 2005-09-19 22:00:00 UTC