Event Details

Event ID
Master Dracaryis
Old Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
New Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
Requested by
Grand Master Declan Roark
Primary reason

Battlemaster Dracaryis has performed exceptionally in leading our club's gaming. Drac was tasked with balancing our gaming systems, monitoring the usage of old and new games, communicating with our members about gaming decisions, and to constantly review and analyze the way our members engage one another across all gaming platforms. These tasks are not small, they are not easy, and often they come with a lot of grief.

Drac has done a tremendous job meeting all of the requirements we placed before him and has even taken on additional duties in support of other DC members.

The DJB should be extremely grateful for the work Drac has done on our behalf and the continued work he will do in the future.


GM Pravus

Dracaryis has been an excellent Fist. His tenure has been marked by stability in a time that gaming in our organization needed it.

By the numbers, Drac has been active on a personal level, and as a leader. He has spent 7 months as Fist, and before that, he served as Magistrate to the Fist, and Rollmaster of Clan Plagueis. In all of these roles, he has distinguished himself; as Slagar details, he was integral to Plagueis’ Pro Bowl and general activity. In total, he has organized 51 competitions, and co-organized more than 100, and his leadership at the highest level has been recognized with a Sapphire Blade. On a personal level, he has been an avid gamer, earning more than 1200 clusters, and participating in 18 competitions.

But where Drac has excelled has been in areas beyond the numbers. He has issued regular gaming updates, brought several of our platforms into line with new Cluster values, and ensured the Brotherhood has a steady stream of competitions and activities. Moreover, he provided valuable leadership at the highest level, participating in important discussions outside his direct sphere of influence, and helping to guide the club as a whole through regular feedback to the Dark Council and Clan summits. He has continued an objective view to gaming administration, establishing clear guidelines for members to submit new games, which has enabled members to successfully push for the inclusion of new games such as Heroes of the Storm.

Drac has been what the Brotherhood needed in a Fist, and then some. Congratulations, Drac!

Slagar Recc: Dracaryis, as befitting a member who has been granted the clan title di Plagia, has made amazing contributions to Clan Plagueis since his last elevation, both before and after assuming the position of Fist of the Brotherhood. The biggest of these was administering the Plagueis Pro Bowl competition last summer. The genesis of the idea for the competition came from Teylas and myself, Consul and Proconsul respectively at the time, but with the two of us serving as team leaders and competitors during the event it was Dracaryis who took over and brought the idea to fruition. He developed the competitive format, worked with the sitting Quaestors at the time to create all 30 competitions, and (due to timing and availability) ended up grading in excess of 80%-85% of the event personally. Suffice it to say, The Pro Bowl was one of the most successful competitions run in Plagueis up until that time and it was Dracaryis's fine work that made it happen. Aside from his specific contributions to the Pro Bowl, Drac was an invaluable part of the Clan Summit through his service as Rollmaster. The third leg of our triad, Rollmaster focuses specifically on new member development while also working on Clan level projects such as Feud competitions. Drac was an amazing Rollmaster, overseeing his direct subordinate Battleteam Leaders while crafting an engagement model for the Clan that saw new members getting the focused, direct attention they needed in the form of direct contact and mentorship. He filed timely reports that contained a plethora of information useful for his members, and was a constant presence on Telegram for our members to communicate with and gain advice from. It was a bittersweet day when Drac was chosen for Fist, as we knew that Plagueis's loss would be the Brotherhood as a whole's gain. Even as Fist, however, Drac has been a strong voice within Plagueis through his advice to our summit members and the experience he brings to the table. It gives me great pleasure to add my name to those requesting his promotion to the rank of Battlelord, an honor that he has earned several times over through his dedication and excellence. Congratulations, sir!

Grand Master Declan Roark, 2017-05-05 03:15:55 UTC