Event Details

Event ID
Vynn Salm
Old Rank
Corsair (Equite 3)
New Rank
Reaver (Equite 4)
Requested by
Lord Dacien Victae
Primary reason

In the 12 months since his last promotion, Korvis has served as Vizsla CON, Appeals Panelist, and Magistrate to both the Regent and the Fist. In all of those jobs, he has worked diligently and put the needs of his clan and the club above his own, all while maintaining high levels of personal activity for which he recently received an AK.

For all of your hard work over the last year, Korvis, you've earned this promotion. Congratulations!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2022-08-09 18:04:18 UTC
Additional reasons

I've never been one to believe in the "time in rank" thing, instead focusing on one simple question: "Has this member done the work? Have they earned this promotion or reward?" If the answer is yes, then I think they deserve it. I can not think of a better member at this time more deserving of Equite 4 than Korvis. He is a whirlwind of activity in everything he does, and is one of this club's most level headed leaders and Equites. The man is a literal machine, and without him this club - and especially my staff, for which I find he is a perfect fit and dedicated staffer - would be a much duller place. I won't reiterate the stats he's done in the last several months for me as I covered that in his recent Amethyst Kukri recommendation, but I firmly believe it's time Korvis joined the top echelon of the Equite ranks and has done the work required of that position.

This promotion won't stop Korvis. He'll keep going as he always does, slaying any task handed to him and continuing to make The Brotherhood a better place for every member regardless of their clan. While everyone has trouble being completely subjective at certain times - afterall, we're only human - I find Korvis does a better job than most, and it shows.

It is with absolutely pleasure and gratitude that I add this recommendation for Korvis to be promoted to Equite 4, and can't wait to see him take this final stepping stone to the Elder ranks by storm. Congratulations Korvis, keep up the amazing work.

General Zxyl Bes'uliik, 2022-08-09 18:00:50 UTC