Event Details

Event ID
Terran Koul
Old Rank
Augur (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Qyreia Arronen
Primary reason

Terran Koul has been a member of the Brotherhood for twenty two years and spent over seventy five percent of that in some form or another of leadership and/or position. More on that below though. Terran was last promoted in January '16, and since then he's organized thrity six competitions, co-orged another four, and participated in ninety one (one hundred eighteen if one counts the container competitions), placing in fourteen of them, four of which were earned in Brotherhood vendetta events. He racked up a respectable 841 Clusters of Earth and 78 Clusters of Fire from gaming (as well as two Pendants of Blood, which can't even be earned anymore), 36 Clusters of Graphite, and 61 Clusters of Ice from just shy of seventeen thousand words of fiction. He collected 39 Vendetta Seals, and a Seal of Loyalty for his longstanding service to Arcona and the Brotherhood. Of that service, merely during this rated period, he spent six months as Aedile and roughly twenty months as Quaestor of House Qel-Droma, in addition to a solid six years as Magistrate to the Seneschal. Somewhere from that, he earned a Steel Cross and Amethyst Kukri for what he did in those enigmatic years before XP.

Now, I haven't been in the Brotherhood for twenty years. I haven't been in for ten. Since joining the Brotherhood, Terran collected an impressive record of time as a leader and servant. Eight months as Battleteam Leader, twenty three months as Aedile, thirty one months as Quaestor, one month of Rollmaster, twelve months as Proconsul, one hundred eleven months as Magistrate, and seven as the Brotherhood's Combat Master. Those positions are spread across seven Battleteams, five Houses, and one Clan, including some names that don't even exist anymore: Houses Kirleta and Aleema; House Ektrosis and Battleteam Phoenix; House Marka Ragnos and Battleteams Night Hawks and Avatars of Death; and House Qel-Droma with Battleteams Shadow Gate, Arete, Void Squadron, and Night Raptors. And from all those positions in all those units, he spent a cumulative one hundred ninety three months — roughly sixteen years — in service in some form or another. I even had to make sure I didn't double-count his DV service, and I couldn't even find what that acronym meant! I also had to go look up what the Oracle was in the wiki! Frack, man!

That leadership time more than doubled many of the above stats since just his last recognition. To highlight, 197 competitions participated, 61 organized, 34 co-organized, and such a karkton of Vendetta Seals that I can't subject someone to reading through the full list; only that they add up to one hundred five Seals. Someone's been clubbing. Given the list of Merits and Sacramentals, the Novae and the Crescents, and after having scrubbed the everloving, Hutt-fracking poodoo out of his dossier, I can tell that Terran's career wasn't just long, but eventful. He was there through the good times, the bad times, and all the times in between. And while I may not personally get along with him most of the time simply for clash of personalities, I can't fault his dedication to an organization that he clearly loves and has loved for a long, long time.

What all of this boils down to is that this is an "old guy" in the Brotherhood, and his service record warrants that he finally get the recognition that comes with old guy rank. Give this man a cane to wave and a yard to yell at the kids from. Terran, thank you for your years and years of work and time. We look forward to seeing what you do with this new coat of paint rank.

Qyreia Arronen
Consul, Clan Arcona

Qyreia Arronen, 2023-03-16 09:10:06 UTC