Event Details

Event ID
Imperial Kah’ri Marru
Old Order
Force Disciple
New Order
Old Rank
New Rank
Primary reason

I've been trying to think up a good motivation for Kah'ri since I made him. At the time, I needed something for him to be so I gave him a background in crime, but never had a "why" to that. Since then, I have promoted and progressed faster than I could develop the character. Now he's QUA and I don't like how he feels in the role. He needs a vision.

Long story short, I settled on what I'm calling "The Onderon Legacy". Basically, Kah'ri looks at his homeworld and its history and the only time he sees stability is when they were loyal to the Sith.

Imperial Kah’ri Marru, 2023-10-26 05:16:11 UTC