Event Details

Event ID
Rian Taldrya
Old Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
New Rank
Master (Elder 2)
Requested by
Lord Dacien Victae
Primary reason

Since his promotion to Elder 1, Rian has served this club at a very high level as both Magistrate and Praetor to the Herald, as well as a full two years as Herald and one year as a temporary member of the Star Chamber. During that time, he put a significant amount of work into the Herald office and the club as a whole. As a member of the Council, Rian contributed graphics for reports, vendettas, and other club-wide projects, while also helping to organize GJWs XV and XVI, as well as participating in DC discussions about a wide variety of projects and potential changes.

In his role as Herald (and P:HRLD/M:HRLD before that), Rian developed and released a modern update to the Warbanner template, Warbanner 3.0, created at least 36 custom weapons, 40 warbanners, and at least 500 pieces of dossier art for our members. Herald is one of the most difficult jobs in the club, requiring a rare talent in graphics, management, and customer service. Rian has all of that and more, and he has devoted years of his life to improving this club's art community. For all of that, I am very happy to promote him to Elder 2. Congratulations, Rian!

Lord Dacien Victae, 2024-01-08 16:25:56 UTC