Event Details

Event ID
Spears Tarentae
Old Rank
Warlord (Equite 4)
New Rank
Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Spears Tarentae
Primary reason

Greetings, again, my friends!

I am please now to be able to honor another member of the Dark Council.

Spears Tarentae has been Headmaster for almost ten months now. In that time he has displayed the characteristics that have set apart the great members from the best members. He is innovative, dedicated, strong and fast. Spears has a workload that we should all admire. He manages a staff that has in the past ten months, managed to grade over four thousand SA tests. They have brought in over 1000 new members through the Test of Lore. Spears himself has kept this staff moving, while at the same time being the contact person for the Dark Brotherhood initiates. Spears is fast on e-mail, despite the large inbox he maintains. His work ethic amazes me.

Spears has innovated in his office by bringing on new changes in courses, the new Test of Lore, and changes in the Envoys. He has worked hard with Anshar to make the Envoys a solid group, and still finds time on the side to work on the other projects. Spears is tremendously talented with graphics -- he has helped design things like our new flagship and Seal medals. He is always willing to assist me in my projects and rarely ever complains when I ask for more work to be done.

I have always been impressed by Spears -- he is a genuinely good person. From his first tasks as a Journeyman, Spears stood out amongst the crowd. As an Equite, Spears has excelled beyond all expectations.

Spears, now, as an Elder, I hope that you will continue down the path that you have started.

I look forward to our continued work together. Congratulations, Dark Adept Spears.

  • Lord Jac Cotelin

Spears Tarentae, 2005-08-01 22:00:00 UTC