Event Details

Event ID
Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine
Old Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
New Rank
Battlelord (Equite 3)
Requested by
Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine
Primary reason

Long standing Patriot to Clan Scholae Palatinae, Phoenix has served under this Clan as long as I have known him. Under his current rank of Sith Battlemaster he has served as both Aedile and Quaestor of House Dorimad Sol. In House Dorimad Sol he faced many difficulties such as lack of active members. After becoming Quaestor then Consul in Clan Scholae Palatinae, I have noticed he has done a whole lot for this Clan while doing Clan Envoy. With his High Activity in both IRC and Email he was able to help train up most of the current new leaders and gamers in House Dorimad Sol and now even House Caliburnus.. Phoenix has now retired from Clan Envoy and I would like to say thanks for all the timeless effort he has put into this clan. This Promotion is from not just me! ItÂ’s from the Clan! Congratulations!

SBL Vally Aquillarum Tamalar

Phoenix has been one of the best members you could ask for in the DB. He has always been one of the driving forces in CSP and has given his all to the Clan and it's members. He has served in many positions during his time here, but no matter what he is currently doing he always stands out as an example for other members to strive to be like. Phoenix has always taken a part in whatever CSP has on its plate, either by direct in your face action or behind the scenes work. And I have no doubts, whatsoever, that this will always be true with him. I am proud to have served with him and thankful for everything that he has done for CSP. I don't believe there is anyone more deserving of this promotion than him. --OT Dakari Tamalar

Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine, 2005-08-07 22:00:00 UTC