Event Details

Event ID
Darth Aeternus
Old Rank
Obelisk Primarch (Equite 4)
New Rank
Dark Side Adept (Elder 1)
Requested by
Darth Aeternus
Primary reason

The position of Order Leader is one of the most difficult within the Brotherhood. It is one that involves more initiative than almost any other position in the DB. The members that hold those positions never really have a specific set of duties that they are outlined to do. Sure, they have some, but most of their activities and work comes from a desire to further the Order, not to get simple jobs done. The Order Leaders are forced to think outside of the box, create new and exciting competitions, develop fiction that both corresponds with canon material and gives a fresh edge to their order. Further, they have to work with the most people outside of GM and DGM. The Order Leaders are charges with making sure the clans have good activities for their order's members, they track and approve of promotions, and they work actively with all of the Dark Council members on things that relate to their order. It is a truly diverse job that often doesn't offer a lot of guidance.

Last, but not at all least, is our Obelisk High Commander, Korras. There's so much that one can say about the work done by Korras, and I'm sure that no one can cover saying it all. Korras, is a person that genuinely cares about those around him. He has a rock solid integrity, and it shows in everything he does. Korras has a good way of keeping in touch with and connecting with people -- that, I admire. It's a natural ability to inspire confidence and lead that has shown especially in the RoS. For months before the RoS he talked about finding the fairest way of scoring the results and worked tirelessly to try and find a way. Since the inception of that competitions he has stuck to his rules and has kept the playing field level. He has made sure that people know what and how to do the things they need to advance in the RoS. The results have been thorough and on time and I think that Korras has made a competition that is truly amazing. The war game is something that can overwhelm a lot of people and discourage a lot of graders, but Korras has delivered in every aspect of the event. I have been amazed at the activity levels of the RoS, and I think Korras deserves a lot of the credit for making a great competition.

It has only been a short while since I promoted Korras, but I don't feel that a medal at this time would be appropriate. He has earned my respect as a great leader by showing what he is capable of through the RoS. I think he will only get better from here on out -- plenty of time to earn medals.

So Korras, I welcome you to the ranks of the Elders as well. Congratulations, Dark Adept.

Darth Aeternus, 2005-09-26 22:00:00 UTC