Event Details

Event ID
Zanet Xox
Old Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
New Rank
Knight (Journeyman 4)
Requested by
Zanet Xox
Primary reason

From his Aedile/Master:

As a Master and Aedile of JH Aabsdu al’Tor, I would like to bring forward his case. He is loyal member of HEK and is one of the members we should be very proud of.

Aabsdu did all he needed to do to earn his promotion. He participated very frequently in the gaming nights, Sunday Tournaments, and ICTE. He was part of the Battle Team Kun’s Requiem and earned himself over 100 (!) Clusters of Fire during the ‘Obelisk Rite of Supremacy”. Aabsdu ended up third in the ‘Blinding Light, Deep Shadows’ run-on competition, while he became first during the ‘Mission Impossible 2’ writing competition. This member also often participates in the ‘Monthly Topic’ competition and won recently a Crescent with Ruby Star for his admission. He is also very active in the Antei Combat Centre and received himself the rank of ‘Soldier’. Aabsdu also fulfilled all the DJK Trials given by me and he recently applied for the position of Battle Team Leader of Exar’s Shadow, which position he got due to his enthusiastic application letter. Besides that he has a frequent mIRC presence, which is also important for the regular contacts with other members and his team.

According my personal opinion Aabsdu deserves a promotion, because he is one of very few students who are actually willing to learn. He has no air and listens carefully to what other people say or advice. This JH is an honorable man who does not get involved in conflicts. He has a clear vision of what he wants and what he can do. Aabsdu does not judge others, does not insult them and keeps an open mind. Besides that he needs a little extra push into the right direction to keep him on track.

-DJK Gaidal Dupar al’Tor

From the DGM: In the short time I've been working closely with Plagueis, Aabsdu has shown himself to be an extremely active, prominant, and good mannered member of the Clan. After receiveing the reccomendation from his Aedile and Master Gaidal, and consulting with his Quaestor (who due to illness couldn't add a reccomendation) I have determined he has more than earned his promotion. Congratulations on earning your lightsaber!

-DGM Kir Taldrya Katarn

Zanet Xox, 2005-11-27 23:00:00 UTC