Event Details

Event ID
Michael Arkarso
Old Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Michael Arkarso
Primary reason

Michael has been a part of Dinaari and Taldryan for about 10 months now. During that time he has learned about the Brotherhood, took part in much of the Shadow Academy, participated in many gaming events, and represented his House and Clan in a Rite of Suprememcy. He has joined us in our IRC channels, joined us on the message boards, and joined us in our battles. The title of Cohors Praetoria Taldryae was given to Michael back in September showing his dedication. More recently he placed second in a DB-wide BF2 Tourney, participated in gaming activities, and a House competition. Looking at Michael's record he more than deserves a promotion to the rank of Jedi Hunter. Congrats! ~OP Duga Arkarso

Michael Arkarso, 2005-12-05 23:00:00 UTC