Event Details

Event ID
Qiw Nuron
Old Rank
Acolyte (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Qiw Nuron
Primary reason

Qiw has done a really great job and his promotion is overdue. First of all he has been activ in the BT Feud. And when I say active, I mean really active. Qiw won 2 events, he did amazing in the Run-On and writing competition. He has also completed all of the requierements of Naga Sadow to be promoted. Qiw has also been contributing to the clan. He has new ideas and incourages othr to be active. Qiw has been an outstanding part of this house and has contributed immensely. He has also submitted fiction to Library of Sadow and completed all of the requierements of the clan to be considered a Jedi Hunter! Congratulations on your promotion Hunter!

Qiw Nuron, 2005-12-17 23:00:00 UTC