Event Details

Event ID
Xaviar Yaroslav Guadalupe
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Xaviar Yaroslav Guadalupe
Primary reason


I wish to recommend a promotion for Xaviar. This young member has been a true inspiration for the clan and has helped other member gain their goals within the Clan and House. He has taken interests in various competitions, such as gaming comps, writing comps and trivia's. This member has an excellent communication to the clan, He is known over IRC by most of his fellow clansmen and also on the Forums he is a regular without the usage of spammage. Gaming nights are natural to him, participating without asked to do so and using every efford to represend his clan and house while gaming, ensuring Arcona's place within the gaming ranks. Together with the rest of the Arconan gaming legion, he is one of those who fights for honour, rather than winning.

Participation admirable, gaming skills elite, communications perfect. All the right reasons to promote him.

In Darkness,

Ylith Romanae

Aedile of House Oriens Obscurum

Xaviar Yaroslav Guadalupe, 2006-03-26 22:00:00 UTC