Event Details

Event ID
Kryd'r Ircor
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Kryd'r Ircor
Primary reason

My Apprentice Kryd'r needs to be promoted to Guardian please.

The things he has completed:

Participate in 4 Competitions, at least one House, one Clan, one DJB. He participated in the Poem, Insignia, the Run-On, and Gaming Night.

Make your Character Sheet for ACC. He has done this.

Fight at least 3 people in JA for the full amount of matches for Game Night (6 matches of 5)/ICTE(3 matches of 5) or 5 people in ACC. He has done ICTE.

Complete 3 SAs of your choice. He completed SIth Tactics, Alchemy, and Krath Poetry, plus Krath Advanced Poetry.

Submit 2 Competition ideas to a Battleteam/House/Clan. He has done this.


I would have to agree with this promotion. He has done the above and it more then guarantees him a promotion to GRD, Congrats!


Kryd'r Ircor, 2006-03-31 22:00:00 UTC