Event Details

Event ID
Magnus Raa
Old Rank
Protector (Journeyman 1)
New Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
Requested by
Magnus Raa
Primary reason

Since his last Promotion PRT Magnus Raa has become one of Ludo Kressh’s most active members. He spends a great deal of time in IRC, is now one our most active gamers having earned thirty six Clusters of Fire since he was last promoted, as well as two Crescents for placing in competitions, and a Dark Cross. He also makes an effort to socialise and help his clan by taking part in runons and designing an alchemy based fiction competition. <br><br> He was also set a gaming related task by the Aedile of Ludo Kressh which Xayun reports he has completed rapidly showing his determination. Therefore Magnus has fulfilled the requirements laid down in the trials and has earned the rank of Guardian. <br> <br> Malisane de Ath <br> Quaestor of Ludo Kressh <br> <br> Magnus Raa has been a very active member of Clan Naga Sadow. He has earned a merit award, earned a couple of crescents from competitions and quite a few CF's from participating in gaming nights and the ICTE. As his master, I feel he has gone above and beyond what is required to be promoted to the rank of Guardian. <br><br> Ashia Kagan Keibatsu ~

Magnus Raa, 2007-01-15 23:00:00 UTC