Event Details

Event ID
Ylith Atema
Old Rank
Warrior (Equite 1)
New Rank
Battlemaster (Equite 2)
Requested by
Ylith Atema
Primary reason

Ylith is a great member to have in our Clan. Since his last promotion on 4/24/06, he has:

Been awarded 8 CrS, 9 CrA, 1 CrR, 1 CrT, 2 CrE, an LSS, more CF's than I can possibly count- ( I lost track at 70, so many of themÂ… wow.), Earned 2 DCs, A GC, 2 steel Crosses, A gold nova, a silver nova, a bronze nova, 9 Seals of Duplicity, completed 5 SA courses, become a Dark Maven, serves on the fiction staff admirably, serves as an EP, served as Qua of Oriens Obscurum, served as BT leader of Sapphire Squadron, and now serves as Aedile in House Marka Ragnos.

That is simply incredible. Every run on I see that he participates in is enhanced by his writing. He supports his Clan well by gaming his tail off religiously. Ylith is great, and I am really glad to have him here. The above history doesn't even fully detail the amount he gives to the Clan. For his efforts, leadership, and activity, he deserves to be promoted in rank.

SBL Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura House Ludo Kressh Assistant Envoy DSC Tribune

Warrior Ylith is a person that is clearly a part of the family named Clan Naga Sadow. And I clearly wouldn't want to miss him in this place. He integrated well into the clan. Working hard, he has earned dozens of medals and rewards. With his activities and being a role model he managed to get the positon as a Battle Team Leader and last but not least now the position as the Aedile of House Marka Ragnos, which he deserves with his attitude and amount of activities.

I wanted to list all the medals he deserved, but my former Aedile and now Quaestor of House Ludo Kreesh Malisane said that I would have to spend the whole night if I did that. So I guess I have to leave it with the words: DOZENS over DOZENS.

He is a great person I enjoy to talk to, who is often on IRC chatting with people. People see him as part of this clan. A part we would miss dearly if he ever left - like a cut off hand.

Ylith - you have found the right place and you deserve this freaking awesome promotion with this hard work!

Congratulations, Seneschal Xia Long

Since Ylith moved to Clan Naga Sadow he quickly became one of its most active members entering and placing in competition after competition, one of our best gamers, someone who is regularly in IRC, and someone who usually has a lot to say in debates on issues affecting his House and Clan and dispenses them in a mature manner.

Since his last promotion his achievements are easy to see, a seemingly endless list of Clusters of fire awarded, bringing his total up to an amazing 1430, twenty assorted Crescents for placing in competitions, again a staggering number, a Grand Cross, three Steel Cross, an Anteian Cross, three Dark Cross, a legion of the Scholar and nine Seals for his contribution to CNS 2nd Place in the GJW and a Dark Maven.

That is all just since his promotion to the Equites, his total medal list is mind boggling for a member who has been in the DB less than two years. By his activity alone, and his drive to keep himself active and his self motivation he sets an example for other members to follow.

In addition since October he has been Commander of Sapphire Squadron, where he sends out regular reports and competitions, he is a fiction staff member working hard on writers corner, and he is a EP where again he performs well hence the Dark Maven. All of these positions he balances and does competently showing his commitment to the tasks he is given.

Ylith is one of Clan Naga Sadows most valued members, I am aware he left his last Clan under a cloud for one reason or another and he has worked hard to put that behind him and I am extremely pleased he came to us here in CNS. His constant activity, commitment and hard work show him to be a member with a great future in the DB and I have no hesitation in recommending him for the rank of Sith Battlemaster.

Malisane de Ath Quaestor of Ludo Kressh

I was probably Proconsul at the time, but news about Ylith's troubles in Clan Arcona had become somewhat widespread in the DB. I only vaguely knew about it, because I try not to know about what goes on in the other clans. However, at the same time, the rumors started that Ylith was going to transfer into Clan Naga Sadow, and several people to me that was going to be bad for the clan. Well, that was over six months ago, and Ylith has proved to be a loyal and decent member of the clan. He is a great person to talk to on IRC, and his activity since joining CNS has been extraordinary. That is why the members of the Sadow conclave decided to promote Ylith to a rank, a promotion that is normally reserved for Aediles and up in the DB. Congratulations.

Dark Adept Manesh Sadow Consul of Clan Naga Sadow

Ylith Atema, 2007-02-10 23:00:00 UTC