Event Details

Event ID
Kieran Kodiak
Old Rank
Guardian (Journeyman 2)
New Rank
Jedi Hunter (Journeyman 3)
Requested by
Kieran Kodiak
Primary reason

Salutations, I would like to recommend a promotion for Kieran. I would start by detailing his ‘activity’ over the past month and his time before his extended LoA, however, I only have a few hours to write this, and to fully catalogue everything would take much, much longer. I can highlight a few of the more prominent events.

His efforts as an apprentice: he’s been assigned numerous tasks, some seemingly banal, others fiendishly and masterfully orchestrated by his benevolent master and with each and every task (from a tactical analysis of Warlord Zsinj to numerous fictional accounts of seemingly mundane activities in the DB daily life) he has excelled.

He’s been a little demon on JA (and has learned his own unique and satisfyingly vicious staff style), picking up in minutes what others take weeks to learn, and has put these new skills to work on the feud, which he has unleashed himself upon with abandon. He’s already earned himself 17 clusters of fire outside of the Feud, and I’m certain that once the medals start being lashed out for Arcona’s resounding victory over CSP, he will get many, many more.

In short, not only does Kieran qualify, by Arcona's promotional guidelines, for the rank of Jedi Hunter, he has also gone far above and beyond anything expected of him, both during and before the Feud. If anything, his elevation to Jedi Hunter is too light a reward. My thanks for your time.

-KAP Timeros

KAP Timeros Caesus Entar (Krath)/AED/Galeres of Arcona [ACC: CL:2] SC-SoF / AC / DC-SP / GN / BN-AgL / Cr-1D-3R-2A-1E-1T / CF

{SA: KS: ToL}

Kieran Kodiak, 2007-02-28 23:00:00 UTC