Event Details

Event ID
Legorii Arconae
Old Rank
Novice (Novitiate 3)
New Rank
Proselyte (Novitiate 4)
Requested by
Legorii Arconae
Primary reason

I would hereby like to request a promotion for Novice Legorii, who has currently fulfilled all requirements for promotion under Clan Arcona’s promotions guidelines, which can be seen at: <u>http://arcona.darkjedibrotherhood.com/promotionguidelines.html</u><BR><BR>

Legorii has fulfilled all of these requirements, as follows:<BR><BR>

Be in contact with your House and Clan:<BR><BR>

Legorii has posted on the Galeres Forum and been in contact with his clan on IRC<BR><BR>

Do one of the following activities:<BR> Participate in 2 (two) basic activities::<BR> Pass 4 (four) general Shadow Academy exams..<BR> Complete the ACC Initiates Test and complete your Character Sheet.. <BR><BR>

Legorii has completed the ACC Initiates Test and completed his Character sheet, as well as completing his share of Shadow Academy Courses. Good Work!<BR><BR>

As Legorii has completed all of these guidelines, and more, I would like to respectfully request his promotion to Acolyte. <BR><BR>

In darkness, <BR><BR>

OE Sashar Kodiak Erinos (Obelisk)/QUA/Galeres of Arcona [KSOE: KCE] [ACC: CL:1] SC-SoA / AC-ToSH / DC-SiP / GN / BN / Cr-1D-2R-3A-4S-6E-4T-3Q / PoB / CF-SF / DSS-BL / SI-BL / SoL / LS-PL / S:-2Do-5Dk

{SA: KS: ToL - DBB - ToS - GL - FA - FP - HS1 - PRH - MED - O: SCORE - ISET - ESET - K: OCORE - TS - LS - MRK}

Legorii Arconae, 2007-06-13 22:00:00 UTC